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Shouto is sat on the couch the next day, Izuku cozying up to his side. He scrolls through his phone, reading an article about his five hour disappearance. 

It's awkward. The tension is so thick he could practically feel it. He clears his throat, looking over to Izuku. "So.."

Izuku blinks up at him with his big eyes, sitting up. "Yes?"

"You said you've been in that bottle for 2000 years, right? How much has changed?" Shouto asks, wondering what life was like for him before he ended up here. 

"Oh, would you like to see?" Izuku asks, standing. Before Shouto can even answer, Izuku nods his head - and suddenly, they're in ancient Persia. 

"W-Whoa-" Men and women in fancy garb dance up to Shouto, surrounding him from every side. "This isn't appropriate, I don't like this-" He says, trying to squirm away. "Izuku, take us back!" 

Izuku is currently seated on a pile of pillows, eating a handful of grapes. "Master isn't pleased?"

"Yes, I mean, no! I'm not pleased!" Shouto says firmly, shoving off the dancers. 

Izuku gives him a mean pout, storming off. "You're a very ungrateful master!" He says in complaint, disappearing into thin air.

"Wait, Izuku!" Shouto runs after him, darting outside. He's in his backyard again, which is good.. at least he thinks it is. His house is still ancient Persia, but that can be sorted once he finds Izuku.

He sees a thick cloud of smoke and runs over to it, spilling apologies. "Izuku, I wasn't trying to seem ungrateful, I understand you're trying to.. please me, or something, but it's just a lot and.." 



Shouto turns around to face Aizawa, with Momo by his side. He turns back to the smoke, looking down to see it's just smoke from his neighbor's grill. "Dammit. Um." He swallows thickly, rubbing the back of his neck. "What are you doing here?"

"I called.." Aizawa says, and Shouto groans internally. Lot of good that did. I was 2000 years in the past.

"Let's go inside.." Momo says gently, grabbing Shouto's arm and pulling him along.

"Wait, let's stay out here- um. The weather is nicer." 

She shakes her head, pulling him harder. "Come on, let's go sit- I think you must be tired.."

"W-Wait! I, um. You won't like it!" 

Momo tilts her head. "Like what?"

"I'm redecorating!" Shouto says quickly. "Trying to.. um-"

Aizawa shoves him inside, and to Shouto's surprise, everything is just as it was before Izuku had made them time travel.

Momo sits, pulling Shouto down onto the couch with her. 

"Now, listen.." Aizawa sighs. "I know you're not feeling that well, but there's certain behaviors we won't tolerate.." 

They all freeze as they hear a giggling sound. Aizawa's expression turns sour. "Do you find this funny?" 

"No, I-!" Shouto grabs the bottle, struggling to keep the stopper plugged. "I just had a tickle in my throat." He says, rushing into the kitchen and stuffing the bottle in a cabinet.

He sits back down, clearing his throat. "Sorry, General. As you were saying..?" 

Aizawa rubs his forehead. "There's certain behaviors we won't tolerate. The way you've been acting, sick or not.. You're really putting Yaoyorozu through the wringer, here." 

"Momo.." Shouto sighs. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to worry or upset you.." He trails off as Izuku comes to stand behind Momo, a Cheshire grin on his lips. He morphs into a double of Momo, then sits in one of the kitchen chairs, posed just like the woman. 

"I know you've been under a lot of stress recently.." Momo says, and there goes Izuku.. copying the woman.

"Stop that!" Shouto scolds, making Momo jump. "I'm sorry?"

"Not you, I'm sorry," He shakes his head. "Please continue."

She puts a hand on her chest. "I think we ought to go on a long vacation. It's just the thing you need. Rest and relaxation." 

Shouto glares at Izuku, who's still busy playing copy cat. He's gone as soon as Aizawa turns just to see what he's looking at. 

"Yeah.. A vacation sounds nice." He says after a minute, and Momo stands, grabbing his hands. 

"As of right now, I think you should get some sleep," She says, and Shouto nods. "You're exactly right." He starts nudging her towards the door, dragging Aizawa along with him. "I'll see you both tomorrow." 

"I'll be over in the morning to check up on you!" Momo says, and Shouto shakes his head. "I'll stop by your place. Don't worry." He slams the door, locking it shut before resting his head against it. "Thank god."

He hears giggling behind him, and there Izuku is, falling in on himself with laughter. "Oh, your face! Why did you get so angry?" 

Shouto storms up to him, grabbing him by the shoulders. "Izuku, you need to go! You're really becoming a pain- you're going to get me fired!" He snaps, and Izuku pouts. 

"I was just teasing~ Besides, you don't need a job anyways! I can take care of you, master!" He says, shaking his head.

Shouto huffs. "You're ruining my relationship. I can't do this, Izuku, it's too much." 

Izuku crosses his arms. "Oh, you don't want to marry her anyways." He mumbles, stepping up to him. "You don't need a wife or a job! You have me, I can do everything for you! Anything you'd ever need, I can give it to you!" 

Shouto shakes his head, going to his room and opening the door. "You need to leave. I'm going to go to bed, and I want you to go. I don't want to see you when I get up tomorrow morning." He says, slamming his bedroom door shut. 

Izuku stands there quietly for a minute, before turning into smoke and slipping under the door. 

"Absolutely not!" 

He whines, slipping back out and sitting on the floor in front of Shouto's room as the man goes to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2019 ⏰

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