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"Captain Todoroki! You're the talk of the town!" General Yamada yells as he slings an arm around the tired astronaut. "Better yet, the world! Everyone is tweeting about it!" 

Shouto nudges him off, nodding. "Ah, yeah. I'm glad to be here." Yamada wasn't joking, all the trending hashtags were about him. There was absolute panic for a few hours when they lost track of him, but that was quickly resolved.

Thanks to ... whatever strong winds had blown that helicopter off course, he supposes. 

General Aizawa pats his shoulder, giving him a once over. "Glad you're alright. You really pulled through." 

Shouto nods, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, all thanks to you. If I wouldn't have had you to talk to, I probably would have had a heart attack on the ship.." He mumbles, and Aizawa chuckles. 

"You would have been fine, kid. You're tough." He clears his throat, going quieter as everyone else leaves the office. "How are you, though?"

Shouto fidgets, unsure if he should tell him about what he saw. "Well.." 


He sits on the edge of the desk, playing with the little rocket shaped paperweight. "When I was on that island.. I saw.."

"Saw what?"

Shouto sighs. "I know now that it was just a hallucination. The air pressure and gravity changes and sea air must have gotten to me." He says, biting at his lip. "But while I was there, I imagined a man."

"A man?" Aizawa repeats. "Just a man?"

He shakes his head. "More specifically.. a genie. I asked him to bring me a helicopter. And he did." He clears his throat. "It was just a mirage. That's all. Just happenstance that the copter came when it did." 

Aizawa gives him a bit of a concerned look, and Shouto shakes his head. "It's nothing to worry about, I'm fine now." He tries to reassure him, raising his hands. "It was just a hallucination."

The older man nods, shrugging. "Alright. You.. tell me if something like this comes up again. Hopefully there's no lasting effects.." 

"It'll be fine," Shouto says again, standing. 

Aizawa walks over to the door, opening it for him. "Alright, you'd better get home. I bet your fiancee is worried sick." He says, and Shouto nods, walking out. "I'll be in touch." 

-:- -:- -:-

Shouto walks inside his house, dumping his backpack on the floor as soon as he shuts the door. As soon as he kicks his shoes off, someone knocks on his door. He holds in a sigh, opening it.

"Oh, Momo," He says in surprise, grunting as the woman hugs him tightly. "Oh my god, Shouto! I was worried sick, I can't believe the ship went down," She babbles, brushing his hair from his face.

He clears his throat, backing up to give her room to come inside. "I'll make something to drink." 

"Oh, no no, let me!" She says, nudging him out of the way to go to the kitchen. "You must be exhausted!" 

He sighs in defeat, sitting down on the couch, his body sinking into it with fatigue. "Yeah.. actually.."

She shakes her head, grabbing a bottle of sake from the cabinet. She sets out some glasses, getting ready to pour it when she suddenly stops. "Who's running the shower?" She asks, looking towards the bathroom. 

Shouto squints in confusion. "No one should be.." He looks around, his eyes practically bulging as he notices the bottle on a stand near the door. "Ah, I was just running the water. Just heating it up. I was about to jump in. You should go, I'll call you later.." He says, jumping up and running towards the bathroom. 

"Oh, I can wait, I really don't want to leave you by yourself!" Momo insists, following him.

They both stop dead in their tracks when the shower stops and the bathroom door swings open, revealing Izuku in nothing but one of Shouto's dress shirts.

"U-Um.." Momo holds a hand to her chest, blinking in confusion. "Shouto? Who's this? Why is there a boy in your bathroom?" She asks, her tone laced with hurt. 

"It's not a boy!" Shouto says quickly, then shakes his head. "I-I mean-" 

Momo runs over to the dripping wet Izuku, grabbing his arm with an offended look. "Shouto, I'm not stupid! It's very clearly a boy! Now, what's he doing here!?" She asks, her voice raising a few octaves. 

"He's a family member, he- he's staying here for a few days! You really should go!" He says, shoving Momo out the door and slamming it shut. He locks it, closing his eyes as he rests against the door, sighing heavily as he hears her shouting as she walks off. 

He opens his eyes as he feels a presence in front of him, only to find that Izuku is pressed chest to chest with him. "Oh, thank goodness you made that woman leave!" He says, shaking his head. "Who on earth is she, master?" 

Shouto lets out an annoyed sound, grabbing Izuku by the shoulders and pushing him back. "You're one to talk, what are you doing here?" He asks, quickly on his way to losing his temper.

Izuku huffs. "Well, you told me I was free to go wherever I wanted! I wanted to be with you!" He says, looking at his bottle. "You set me free, I really owe you!" 

Shouto's shoulders sag. "You can't just stay with me.."

"Why not?" Izuku asks, hands on his hips. 

"I have a fiancee. I don't really think she'd like for another person to live with us once we're married." 

"Married!" Izuku repeats, offended. "Oh, no way, master!" He crosses his arms. "I can't let you marry her!" 

Shouto shakes his head, absolutely baffled. "You can't let me marry her?" He rubs his temple. "What do you mean?"

Izuku grabs Shouto's hands, looking him in the eyes with a determined expression. "You're mine, master! I won't let anyone else have you~" 

I Dream of Deku [TodoDeku]Where stories live. Discover now