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[ author's note: i don't speak persian, i'm getting this from google translate. please feel free to correct me! ]

Shouto stands in shock, eyes wide as he stares down at the scantily-clad boy in front of him. "How.. How did.." He rubs his eyes, shaking his head when the boy is still there. 

The green-haired male suddenly tackles him in a hug, giggling and mumbling in a language that Shouto doesn't even know. "Men khala khewshhalem keh mera peada kereda, asetad!"

Shouto nudges him off, backing up. "Can.. can you speak Japanese?" He asks, knowing it's a long shot, but..

He just continues talking to himself, dusting the sand off his breezy pants and straightening the vest he wore. 

Shouto frowns, rubbing the back of his neck. "Somehow.. you came out of this bottle.." He mumbles, picking up the teal colored bottle, putting the golden stopper back in it. Deku.. what could it even mean? 

He looks from the bottle to the boy, then back again. Maybe it was his name?

"Deku.. is that your name?" He asks, pointing to the bottle. 

The boy gives him a bewildered look, then laughs. "Izuku!" He says, pointing to the kanji. 

Shouto raises a brow, reading it again. "Oh, sorry." He mumbles, realizing the characters could be read as Izuku as well. That must be his name.

"Are you some sort of.. genie? A witch? A ghost?" He asks, looking at him quizzically. The boy bounces a bit at the word genie, and suddenly, all the pieces click together. "A genie.." 

Genies give three wishes, right? And they come out when you rub their magic lamp? He looks down at the bottle in his hand, chewing at his lip. Or bottle.

He looks back to the boy, then clears his throat. "Can you bring us a plane? I wish for a plane!" 

The male tilts his head, obviously confused. Shouto squints in thought, then points to the sky. "Yknow, plane. Flies in the sky, big machine?" He does a wing motion, pretending to fly. "Plane." 

"Oh, oh!" The boy jumps up, grinning. "Shahan!" 

Shouto shrugs. "Sure, shahan. A shahan." 

He crosses his arms, nodding his head once with a blink, and suddenly - a hawk appeared on Shouto's arm. "Oh, no no!" He shoves it off, shaking his head. "Not that. No." 

The boy pouts, nodding again, and it's gone just as fast as it had appeared.

Shouto sighs, rubbing his chin. "Umm.. how about a boat?" He gets a blank look. "Yknow, boat. On the sea.." He makes a wave motion, doing his best with his little game of charades, hoping the boy understands.

"Ah!" The boy smiles, "Qaaq!" 

Shouto just shrugs, watching as the boy does his nodding motion.. and suddenly, a boat appears on the water. Except.. it's more of a canoe. Just a flimsy looking wooden thing with a sail. "That won't do.." He mutters, and it disappears into thin air. 

He sighs heavily, pacing for a minute before sitting down on a large rock near the water. "This is no good. I just wish you could speak Japanese. Then I could actually understand you." He sighs, rubbing his temple. "I'm gonna be trapped here forever." 

"If only there was something I could do to please you, master.." The boy says, standing in front of Shouto.

Shouto just sighs again, frowning. "Yeah, if only. But you can't.. since you can't speak.." He blinks, looking up at him. "Wait, you're speaking my language." 

"Well, yes, you wished for me to, master!" He says with a smile, and Shouto stands, grabbing him by the shoulders. 

"Wait! Do I have any wishes left?" He asks him, and the boy smiles. "Of course, master! You rescued me, I'll give master as many wishes as he wants!" He says brightly.

"Okay.. Izuku.." He pauses. "That's your name, right?" The boy nods. "Yes! Izuku Midoriya." He tilts his head, holding up a finger. "Not Deku." 

Shouto clears his throat. "Okay. Izuku. I need a helicopter."


Shouto points to the sky. "It's this big metal thing, it's got propellors and it flies, it can take people from place to place.. I need rescued." He tries to explain.

"Helicopter!" Izuku nods firmly, and the roar of helicopter blades suddenly fills the air. 

Shouto jumps, turning around and looking up. "You did it! A helicopter!" He grabs his shoulders. "We're saved!" He pauses. "I think I should set you free. Since you saved me," He says, biting his lip. "Well, I wish for you to be free. That's how that works, right? You're free now?"

Izuku smiles, shrugging. "Alright, I'm free!" 

"You can go wherever you want now," Shouto says, handing him the bottle. "You're free to go anywhere, and I'm gonna go home. You do what you wanna do." He shrugs. "Thank you, Izuku." 

"Oh, um.." Izuku just blinks, watching as Shouto runs towards the landing helicopter. A tall man in uniform jumps out, laughing loudly. "Captain Todoroki! You're alive!" 

Shouto blinks, raising a hand in salute. "Captain Inasa. Did you think I had died?" 

Inasa shakes his head. "We lost your signal! We didn't know what happened."

He squints. "Wait.. how did you find me?" The other man shrugs, looking back at the helicopter. "I have no idea! We got blown off course. What luck, though!" He grins, patting his shoulder. "Come on, grab your gear! Let's get you home!" 

"R-Right.." Shouto turns around to grab his backpack, looking around for Izuku.. but the boy is no longer to be seen. 

Must have been a hallucination after all.

He boards the helicopter, stuffed in the seat beside Inasa as they fly back to their home base. 

I Dream of Deku [TodoDeku]Where stories live. Discover now