《Chapter Two》

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It hurt to breathe. It hurt to move. But the pain meant you were alive and that was good.

Every lungful of air you forced down your poor throat left it raw; with every gasp, a choking burning sensation followed. You weren't the only one, though, and the wave of relief that swept over you left you feeling guilty.

At least you weren't alone. All around you in every direction, you could hear your classmates struggling to breathe, but, turning your head this way and that, you couldn't see them. Then, you felt it: the black fabric tied around your eyes obscuring your vision. When you blinked, you felt your lashes brush against it, but your (e/c) eyes only saw darkness. In an effort to remove the blindfold, you were also made aware of the binds encircling your wrists... it felt like duct tape.


After a few awful moments of choking on air in complete darkness, your breaths finally evened out. You needed to calm down (which was difficult, considering you've just been kidnapped), but you knew that if there was any chance for you to escape, you needed to keep a level head.

You tried calling out to Ellie, but the only thing that escaped your lips was a pathetic croak, like a bullfrog being strangled. Okay then, speaking wasn't an option, so, instead, you busied yourself by trying to writhe out of the binds on your wrists. They make it seem so easy in the movies, but truth be told, it was insanely difficult.

Needless to say, it was pretty futile; those things were wrapped around tight. It didn't matter, anyway, because moments later, you felt cold fingertips brush against your face and roughly yank the blindfold off. Your neck jerked forward unceremoniously and you gave a gasp of sudden pain.

If you thought the darkness was terrifying, then you were in for one hell of a surprise in the light.

Bright fluorescent lights burned your eyes, making them immediately tear up. You blinked rapidly in an attempt to subdue the stinging, but couldn't help a few stray tears from spilling, rolling down your cheeks, and dripping off your chin. You were sitting on the floor, leaning against a wall, you realized once your vision returned, and to your left and right were the rest of your classmates, all slumped over in a long line, in the same predicament as you.

"Welcome back to the world of the living, (Y/n)," said the person who removed your blindfold. You recognized the voice... you didn't need to look up to know who it was, but you did so anyway.

The red-haired scientist peered down at you, sick amusement glinting in the depths of his eyes. When you didn't respond, he let out an aggravated sigh.

"Answer me when I talk to you."

But you couldn't. Your body couldn't. Everything was blank. Blank blank blank... 

At your continued silence, he snarled, almost animalistically, before reaching down and grasping the collar of your uniform shirt in both fists. Out of pure instinct, you reached out with your bound hands and tried to claw his arms away, a choked cry making its way past your lips in surprise; you hadn't expected him to grab you.

He only smirked at your feeble attempt.

Leaning further down, he leveled his face with yours, and your fight-or-flight impulse went into overdrive... so you kicked out at him with your leg. Your right leg.

You immediately regretted your decision, as a scream tore its way out of your already-raw throat. Tears burst from your eyes, flowing profusely down your puffy, red cheeks in thin streams. Uneven, staccato sobs broke your chest as it heaved laboriously up and down.

Under the veil of extreme pain, you didn't realize how the rest of the room had gone darkly silent. Everyone had heard your scream.

It hurts it hurts it hurts... your mind kept chanting, like a mantra. You felt like an injured mouse being batted at by the paws of a cat. It hurts it hurts it hurts...

Suddenly, you were hastily hauled to your feet by the scientist. Immediately, dark spots swam in your vision, dizziness pressing itself down on your temples. For a long, drawn-out moment, you were stationary, your mouth agape and gulping down air greedily as you forced it down your lungs. With the combined pain in both your knee and head, you hardly felt the man's grip on your shirt tug you forward.

You could do nothing but stagger along with him, heavily limping, as he led you past your bound and blindfolded classmates. For a fraction of a second, you thought you had spotted Ellie amongst the crowd, and new, fresh tears threatened to spill over.

The scientist must've only dragged you a couple of yards, at most, but to you, it felt like miles. Where was he taking you? Were you going to be tortured? Experimented on? Raped?

At that last thought, your face paled and you began to struggle against his grip with a newfound energy. You tried turning, but another bloom of pain in your knee impeded your attempt.

"Jesus, stop squirming so much," the scientist huffed out as he tightened his hold on you. Despite his tall, skinny stature, he was able to keep you in place easily. He then shifted his body to pull out a red keycard from his breastpocket, allowing you to see more of your surroundings.

You were now on the other side of the narrow room, being held in front of a thick, iron-cast door. It looked heavy... whatever's on the other side must be really dangerous to have this sort of security. Two armed guards stood like sentries on either side, further advocating your hunch, large guns propped up in their arms, relaxed yet poised to strike. Your (e/c) eyes heavily bored into the tinted visor of the guard on the lefthand side, pleading, begging, for help. You knew that he wouldn't respond, but you still had a small sliver of hope that he maybe would...

"Alright, (Y/n)," the scientist said before ripping off the duct tape from around your wrists, leaving the skin stinging and raw. He spoke in such a way that you could just hear the smirk in his voice, "Break a leg."

And, without warning, you were being pushed through the now-open iron door. You tried to resist, to just fight back, but you couldn't. A feeling of dread descended over you as you finally realized: you were completely helpless. Vulnerable. Crippled. Broken. Weak.

With a final shove to the small of your back, you were sent careening forward into the room. As soon as your body passed the threshold of the door, it was slammed shut, an ominous, reverberating bang following. Quickly, you stuck both arms out for balance as you swayed on your one good leg, steadying yourself. You cared not about the potential danger you had just been thrust into as you reached down with both hands to delicately cradle your right knee, like a mother would a child. The cold, clamminess of your trembling hands was a stark contrast to the flushed skin of your leg; you could feel your heartbeat through your fingertips as you pressed down right over the scar.

A deep, echoing voice from somewhere inside the room suddenly spoke, causing you to snap your head up in attention, "Ah, I wasn't aware I would be receiving company."

《Fragile》SCP-049 x Injured!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now