《Chapter Five》

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Thank you guys so much for 2K reads! Your support means the world to me! <3 Sorry for the long wait, but I hope y'all enjoy this chapter and stick around for more. I (finally) have a clear direction for this story and am excited to see it through!!


All eyes were on you: staring; their gazes made your skin burn. The coolness of the metal table you sat on significantly contrasted with the flushed heat of your body. With your legs dangling off the edge, you were tempted to start swinging them like a child would do at the doctor's, just to help rid yourself of the anxiety.

It's just them, you keep telling yourself as sweat started to bead on your forehead. It's the way they're all looking at me that's making me feel weird—

—It's most definitely not the man crouched at your feet, hands gently poking and prodding your knee. No, of course not! This sort of thing happens all the time; not unusual at all!

He kept muttering in that deep voice of his questions about where it hurt and if you felt any pain when he pressed on certain areas. Every time you would answer him quietly, fully aware that (along with every eye) every ear was tuned into you.

You hoped they couldn't hear the tremble in your voice when you spoke.

Overall, your knee felt pretty good in spite of everything it endured so far. The fear of re-tearing your ACL had been constantly nagging at the back of your mind throughout this whole ordeal and, to be honest, the thought terrified you. It wasn't just the fear of hurting your knee a second time, but the consequences of becoming completely crippled. You knew all too well that, if it tore again, that's it for you... you'll be nothing more than a sitting duck for any and all other creatures in this facility that might want to turn you into a snack.

"Your conditions seem to be stable," SCP-049 spoke, peering up at you from his crouched position. When his eyes met your own, you quickly averted your gaze to the floor, suddenly finding interest in inspecting the shoes of your classmates. He cocked his head at your strange reaction.

After you nodded in response to his statement (your face was flushed for some unknown reason?), he stood up, resuming his position of towering over everyone in the room. As he straightened, he seemed to become aware of the eyes. They were still there. Staring. Silent.

SCP-049 cleared his throat, ready to address the elephant in the room. "I am sure you all have some questions—"

Almost immediately, the entire room erupted in noise. It seemed as though every single one of your classmates had something to ask or say. Questions about him and who he is and where they are; Caleb, it seemed, was only interested in asking about the "komodo dragon" monster.

At least they're not staring at me anymore, you mused silently, going to work on snapping your brace back on.

Despite no longer being the center of attention, you still felt strangely warm...

SCP-049 (by some miracle) managed to quiet everyone down. Probably by threatening the return of the reptilian creature if you had to guess. Ellie had made her way to stand by your side and placed a hand on your shoulder, offering her silent support.

"I am known as SCP-049," the bird-masked man began, "and I am one of many individuals—to my knowledge—being held within this facility. The SCP corporation is responsible for the containment and study of aberrant entities and objects."

He suddenly stiffened. You (obviously) couldn't see his face, but if you had to guess, his jaw would be clenched.

"The pestilence is very prevalent here."

There it is again... Whatever the "pestilence" is, it seems to be of very high importance to him if he keeps mentioning it. He mentioned to you before that he was trying to cure it.

SCP-049 took a deep, almost shuddering, breath and continued, "I cannot touch a single one of you, lest you suffer the same fate as your captor."

A universal shudder resonated among your classmates. Whether they saw the deed done or not, there was no mistaking the lifeless corpse of the red-haired scientist that had been laying in the center of the room at SCP-049's feet. The ones standing closer to him subconsciously took a step or two back. If he noticed, he made no indication that he did.

"Then what about (Y/n)?" a girl to your right piped up. "You were just touching her knee. Why isn't she dead then?"

As all eyes turned to you once again, an uncomfortable feeling crawled down your spine. Ellie's hand on your shoulder tightened ever so slightly. You absolutely loathe being the focal point in any situation; being your best friend, she knows this, of course.

"Ah, well, unlike the remainder of you, (Y/n) does not appear to be harboring the disease." You might have imagined it, but you swore up and down that SCP-049's voice deepened ever so slightly when he said, "Me touching her will not cause harm in any way."

Damn this overactive imagination of yours! Or not...

After that whole... situation, SCP-049 answered many other questions. Yes, you are all in great danger with an "above average chance of death" as he put it exactly (and yes, he made a few people cry with that comment but, hey, he's just giving it to you straight so it's not really his fault). Yes, he has a cure for the pestilence—an imperfect cure—but a cure nonetheless. No, he did not know what that "komodo dragon" monster was, much to Caleb's displeasure. Yes, he is going to help you all escape the facility as best as he can. No, he doesn't know how to, but he promised he'll try. Yes, he had a real name once but no, he cannot recall it. No, he did not know what the Black Plague was (that was your question... you asked that). Finally, he was asked by Ellie if he is human, to which he answered, "Yes and no," confusing all of you without giving any further explanation.

It felt like hours you sat there, listening to SCP-049's voice. And, honestly, you didn't mind... he had a nice voice. But, once all the burning questions of your classmates and yourself had been answered, he recommended rest to all of you. While most everyone else heeded his advice, you, on the other hand, were still curious. The filing cabinet on the wall, spilling over with manilla folders and messy papers piqued your prying interest.

Maybe you could find out some more information about how to escape from this otherworldly hellhole.

《Fragile》SCP-049 x Injured!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now