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Ochako's P.O.V

My heart pounded against my chest in traumatic beat. The realization had hit me in such a quick move, it felt like I couldn't breathe. I hastily sat down and turned away from his face that was staring at me in confusion.

Ochako: O-Ok, let's g-get to those n-notes!

I took out my notepad and began copying the notes Deku had written. It was so much more than what I would've written for sure, but I still made sure to copy them all. After a bit of small talk, I finished writing and sighed.

Deku: And that's how I broke my first bone— my mom freaked out and cried, but I was really ok.

I laughed softly sitting back up next to Deku.

Ochako: You should've seen my father's face when he realized I had a boyfriend. Shock number one! Then when he saw it was Bakugou, shock number two!

Deku laughed along with me.

Deku: I mean, if you truly love him then.. maybe your father should accept that.

I glanced up at Deku and frowned running a hand though my hair.

Ochako: I'm probably going to break up with him.. he's just hot-headed and.. never likes to have just a normal, nice, fun time! Well, unless it involves teasing people or fighting them..

His expression slightly saddened for a second, but then a warm smile tugged at his lips.

Deku: If you feel it is the right thing and it'll make you happier, I'll support you. He sure will be losing someone pretty great, though!

My heart pounded slightly as a blush grazed my cheeks. I shook my head and sighed escaping from the flustered feeling that overwhelmed me. I looked up at the clock as Deku followed my gaze and started to pack. We both stood as I shyly twiddled with my thumbs.

Ochako: T-Thank-you for lending me your notes, Deku~kun..

Deku: It was no problem! I like spending time with you— wait- d-did that sound weird? I-I'm sorry- I-

Ochako: M-Me too!

I spoke up before he could go on mumbling and stuttering to himself. His freckled cheeks reddened causing me to squeal mentally. I walked him out the door and waved a slight farewell. He returned the wave with a warm smile and turned to continue his walk along the sidelong. Once my vision of him blurred to how far away he was, I heaved a huge sigh and leaned against the front door.

My cheeks started to become rosy and my heart began to pound repeatedly. I closed my eyes tightly and when opening them, I stared at my hands that now clutched over my heart.

Ochako: Gosh.. what is this boy doing to me?

I pushed myself off the door frame and closed the front door with a final sigh. I hopped over to my room once more laying myself down on my bed. The room smelled a little of him. My hands reached for my pillow squeezing it tightly. Deku..

My eyes shot open the next morning when hearing my obnoxious alarm. I sluggishly turned it off and began to tidy myself up for school. My mind kept pressing back to the fact that I will most likely will see Bakugou today. Him and Deku are positively going to meet at detention after class. I think that was the most worrying part.

Ochako: I'll just.. speak the truth and break up with him. Sure, he'll be a bit angry, but.. it can't be that bad..

I changed into my uniform and brushed my knotted clumps of brown hair. After I was finished getting ready and nitpicking my look, I made my way downstairs and out the house with my backpack.

As I walked down the sidewalk, I saw a familiar pinkette in the view. I called to her quite loudly.

Ochako: Mina!!

The girl turned around, her dark eyes gazing into mine in surprise and joy.

Mina: Ochako!! Hey, girl!

She slowed down her pace to meet with mine. She nudged my shoulder with a smirk.

Mina: Did you hear about yesterday? Both of your manz got into a fight.

My chocolate brown eyes widened.

Ochako: H-How did you.. know about that?

Mina: Me? How do you know? Bakugou has been proclaiming his revenge for that poor new kid all afternoon yesterday. He says he's going to beat him to a pulp at detention which is why everyone's going to watch.

Ochako: O-Oh.. god..

Mina glanced over to me with a worried and confused expression.

Mina: You ok? You don't have to worry about Bakugou getting hurt, y'know? It's that kid I'm worried 'bout.

I didn't want to tell her my feelings were the same. I was frightened that if I ended my relationship with Bakugou, it would only be adding more fuel to the fire. Then Deku would get..

Ochako: Mina.. I was.. going to break up with Bakugou today..

I heard a loud gasp next to me coming from my alien friend.

Mina: WAIT! So you and that new kid hooked up or somethi—!?!

Ochako: MINA!! NO! SHH!

Mina: Alright, alright.. Still, you know Bakugou is going to literally flip out when you tell him. Then he'll probably murder that poor kid too!!

Ochako: I know.. I don't want to break up with him if it means Dek— UH— Midoriya~kun getting even more hurt.

Mina and I walked into our school with frowns on our faces as we tried to think.

Mina: Maybe you should tell Bakugou after the fight.

I shrugged my shoulders whilst opening my locker. I didn't expect the situation at hand to go out of control like this.

Ochako: I should warn Midoriya~kun when he gets here.

Mina: Better do it soon or Bakugou will get to him first.

I nodded my head and waved goodbye to Mina knowing I would see her soon in class. I looked out at the many students jumbling in cliques in the school. Though, I only searched for those pair of bright green eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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