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Blackbrook, a modest town in the middle of the Tarian empire. A town that was bustling with trade and fishing. Blackbrook was situated beside a decently sized lake. It's also known for having a large amount of Taverns and breweries. 

Booze, that was enough to attract Hassiel. Hassiel was walking through the "seedy" side of town, not too far away Hassiel is able to make out businesses. Hassiel enters the town square and looks around. Hassiel is met with a choice, either he can go left or go right. To the right was the low class side of town, filled with small businesses and homes, and to the left there was lots of government buildings, wealthy businesses and families. Hassiel decides to keep left and as he looks about he sees large houses and the alcohol based shops.

Hassiel stops in front of the "Marshes' Brewery". The Marshes are a wine family, known to grow their own grapes. This sounded good to Hassiel. Growing up in a wealthy household, he was used to the finer things in life. A wine tasting was just what he needed after his long journey. The wine was standard, but Hassiel couldn't complain. He finished the brewery tour and began to wandered about, searching for another way to amuse himself. 

There was a small local bookstore named "The Book and Quill". Hassiel walked inside without much thought. A young, dragonborn woman ran the store and it was quite cozy. There was several shelves of books that lined the walls of the small store. Hassiel briefly scanned the books looking for something that caught his eye. Hassiel's gaze settled on some history books about Blackbrook. 

Hassiel, however, felt a familiar urge, the one that had got him in his little dilemma in the first place. The book wasn't that expensive but Hassiel had an impulse to steal the book. Hassiel was slightly drunk, causing him to be less stealthy. The woman watched Hassiel try to shove the book into his pocket. She proceeded to scold Hassiel, banning him from the bookstore. He was left to find something else to amuse him. 

Hassiel upset by his failure, continues to wander the town. Hassiel settles for a nearby tavern, "The Rolling Barrel". He wanders in attempting to once again drink away his sorrows. As he entered, he was greeted by a human bartender. Hassiel requests a corner table farther away from the other customers. He asks for their finest wine and bread. The woman serving him shrugs and leaves to carry out her task. 

Hassiel scans the tavern, only a few other people were there. The human woman comes back with his wine and bread. Again, it was of average quality, as expected of a town of this size. As he sips his wine, he feels the tears begin to well up as he starts drinking heavily. Soon, he is sobbing quietly at the corner table. 

Hassiel is soon bored of his experience at "The Rolling Barrel". He begins to venture out to find a different tavern and he comes across "The Drunken Mule". Hassiel staggers inside, starting to feel the alcohol affecting his usual dexterous self. 

The tavern was run by a Dwarf couple and their daughter. They greet him kindly as Hassiel staggered up to the bar and sat down. Not satisfied with the standard wine, he ordered hard liquor. He began weeping louder this time. Caught up in his own misery, Hassiel almost missed the announcement of a drinking contest that was happening in the middle of the tavern. 

Hassiel FaebrandWhere stories live. Discover now