The Harvest Festival

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After several days of staying in Blackbrook, the first day of the Harvest Festival was here. All of the stands are up and the community was gathered to celebrate the largest harvest they had experienced in 300 years. Hassiel, however, was more interested in visiting the local bakery called "Pleasant Pastries". Hassiel craved some quality bread and he figured that the only way he would get it was at the modest bakery. 

The bakery had rather large windows, some displaying baked goods. When Hassiel ventured inside he was greeted warmly by a female firbolg named Sunna and her halfling child Pebbles. Hassiel's mouth watered at the sight of the bread that was displayed behind the counter. He ordered a baguette and when he was about to leave, Pebbles approached him. She begged him to buy some of the cupcakes that her mother had made fresh. 

Hassiel at first refused in order not to give into peer pressure. However, the small halfling child convinced him with the offer of a flower crown. Hassiel left the bakery with a box of cupcakes and a flower crown atop his head.

The main event at the festival was just about to start. Hassiel decided to watch the grand event that was planned at the lake. The event was very entertaining, swimmers danced across the lake while mages controlled the water to make the show flashier. The crowd watched in awe. 

The water changed into different shape, like a large monster with a toothy maw, and they began to act out a battle. The show finished with the water monster falling into the lake. The performers took a bow. In less than a second, people went from cheering to screaming. Performers disappeared below the surface one at a time before coming up bloody. The crowd fled away from the lake. Only a few remaining people were still standing at the edge of the lake.

A tall firbolg man, a tan elven man, a large blue bird, and a young half-elven woman were still standing at the edge of the lake with him. A Merrow exited the water and without thinking Hassiel attacked the fish-like creature with his Bo staff. 

The elven man started casting a spell as the Merrow retaliated. A swarm of bugs appeared out of thin air and attacked the creature. Several other of the strange aquatic monsters emerged out of the lake. The young woman pulled out her bow and impaled the first one with one of her arrows. The young elven man gets attacked by the merrow, getting knocked down. 

The firbolg man whispers something under his breath, his hands drawing an arcane symbol in the air. A merrow clutched their head in pain as the spell finished. The firbolg man then conjures a blade that seemed to be made out of shadows. The blade went right through the creatures without resistance, leaving a cut moments after it passed through.

The young woman went to aid the elven man that had been knocked out during the battle while Hassiel gives the killing blow to the last Merrow. Hassiel and the elven man go to loot the bodies of the Merrow. Hassiel only found a shell necklace with human fingers and lots of rope. The guards arrive right as they were about to leave. 

Hassiel FaebrandWhere stories live. Discover now