1: Prologue I

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"Are you bloody kidding me?!?!?"

"I'm sorry, but there is no other choice. You need to marry by the end of the month or the Wizengamot will choose a husband for you." Kingsley said. "You've had three years, Thea. It's time you start taking things seriously. You've done nothing to benefit our world since the war has ended."

"I've done nothing? I helped rebuild Hogwarts, I completed my Newts along with gaining two masteries in Runes and Healing on top of straightening out the Potter family vaults which would have been fine from the start if Dumbledore hadn't hid them from me or bothered to upkeep them himself!" Along with the others he didn't know about.

"Dumbledore should not have had to inform you-"

"As a magical guardian which he made himself into by your very laws, he did!"

"I understand you're upset bu-"

"Upset! I'm bloody pissed! Tell me, Minister, who exactly from the Order has offered their services as my husband?" I lean back in my chair glaring at him over my false glasses. I hadn't needed glasses since I had healed my eyes with a ritual to repair the damage and enhance my vision 2 years ago. Of course, I had performed some other enhancement rituals as well to correct the rest of the damage my life with the Dursley's, at Hogwarts and the war had caused. I had assimilated Tom's knowledge from his hocrux when he'd hit me with the Avada and found myself in limbo. I don't think myself or Dumbles knew that would happen but happen it did. My hand had reached out when i saw his disfigured body laying there and too late did Dumbass decide to say anything, as usual.


"Never going to happen."


"Don't have the right equipment for that one." I smirked.


"Diggle, the man who is old enough to be my grandfather." I glared at him, stating the fact.


"You just made that up! He just got engaged, I even helped him pick the ring."

"Myself" I sat silent looking at him with a grimace. "Would it be so bad, Thea? You must know that I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Yes, I'm old enough to be your father but there are far larger age gaps between couples and with magic we age slower then muggles, regardless."

"I need to go." 'Is he really serious? Marry him?'

"Thea, you can't run from this you need to make a choice otherwise you may be married to those who escaped a sentence to Azkaban!"

"Like you said I still have until the end of the month." I rushed out and made my way to the floos.

3 Weeks Later

I read through another of the grimoires seeking something more sure then simply hoping I could get the veil to work and send both myself and elves to the closest thing to an even semi-hospitable world. The veil might act as a portal to another world when the runes are activated correctly but otherwise it simply tore the soul from the body and dumped the body in a random world. The veil had damage done to at least a couple of the major rune schemes though which meant I couldn't be positive about what type of world we would end up in. My elves were all I had left after Andromeda's depression and rage had led to her magic violently bursting from her when she learned of Tonks death; the blast had killed both her and Teddy.

I had gone to Gringott's and met with my account manager before returning to Hogwarts for 6th year and learned that the Tri-wizard tournament had effectively emancipated me the moment I performed in the first task. They'd immediately performed a lineage test revealing I was heir to the Potter, Black, and Peverell lines as well as heir apparent for the Slytherin line. Knowing my mom was a Slytherin and that it made us related to Riddle, no matter the distance, really was disturbing. I claimed my titles and emptied all but the gold in the Potter family vaults into undetectable expanded trunks just in case someone could find out, after all as far as anyone knew I was only a Potter. It was good that I had done so because now I had to get out of here someway. My trip there after the war had led to my removal of all but the minimum needed to maintain keeping the Potter family vault open.

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