2: Prologue II

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If it isn't my Master. Speak and do make yourself quick I have souls to collect.

I swallowed at the cold tone but refused to back down as I looked his figure on. "Welcome to the ancestral home of the Blacks', Lord Death. In exchange for aiding myself and my family safely escape the Wizarding World and find refuge, within preferably another world they cannot access, I offer you the Deathly Hollows." I opened the elder wood box I kept them secured in. 

You offer me that which gives you control over me? That which could make you immortal?

"I don't want immortality nor control over you. All I want is the safety of my loved ones and my own freedom. I seek nothing else from you."

You are an interesting mortal. Very well, I accept your terms. There are two worlds you can find your escape if you plan to take more then yourself along. Be warned, neither world as in any is free of conflict. In fact, there is more then quite a bit of it in both admittedly you and yours would be safer then you are now . One is Planetos a world in which holds magic both similar and unlike that you have seen and numerous Gods, Goddesses, and Demons. There are creatures somewhat alike to your house elves in appearance though their magic is tied with nature and not wizards and witches. Dragons, though those have gone dormant. Though far into the North beyond a barrier known as The Wall exist creatures of ice much life your inferi however they are ruled by another that seeks to plunge this world into an eternal Winter. This world is equivalent to this one's medieval times. Holding to those same traditions that were viewed than and even amongst your Wizarding World.

The other is the Elemental Nations that exists on another Earth. It is a mix of feudal and modern day Japan where Lords rule over the land and those known as Kage rule militant villages with ninja forming their armies. There you would find humans who hold an energy called chakra quite similar to your magic but also different. In fact your magic in that world would be considered a Kekkei-Genkai or bloodline limit as it could not be replicated by others of that world nor do they themselves have magic. Chakra is the mix of physical and spiritual energies which allow these humans to perform various feats ranging anywhere from walking on water to destroying mountains with a single punch. There are also 9 Chakra Beasts known as the Tailed Beasts which as you may figure their power levels are revealed by their tails. They hold animal forms and the more tails held the more powerful the beast. I must make you aware that the Elemental Nations holds family for you. It is more a parallel universe. Another version of you of sorts, Uzumaki Kushina, has given birth to a son, who much like yourself is a Child of Prophecy. He will soon be orphaned.

What? "What do you mean soon be orphaned?"

His father, a Kage, has offered himself as sacrifice to save his village, giving his soul to seal a beast of pure energy, the Kyuubi no Kitsune or Nine-Tail Fox into his son or rather half the energy. His mother, the one other version of you pleads for one to care for and stand beside her son as she draws her final breaths. Humans are rarely if ever so understanding and with the intent of making the boy's status as the beasts holder known it shall not occur otherwise. The boy will be viewed as the beast he keeps jailed. You must make a choice and as I said I have souls to collect.

"The second is my choice. You said this other me had a baby and that makes that little boy family. I won't just abandon him. But I have questions. What about languages? The supplies I prepared, will I be able to bring them? Will I be able to communicate with those here? What about Kreature, Dobby and Winky? If she is dying how would that even work? Would I be taking her place?"

You asked for a world in which the Wizarding World could not find you and so there is no way for such communications. Once one moves from one world they cannot return. The pathways between your world and these two were destroyed and are unrepairable. Your things may come they are no issue it was merely the living that would have been an issue if you wished to travel to a world in another universe then these as they are the closest to yours and the only ones they can be transported to without the destruction of their soul. Your elves will be changed, taking human forms but no longer will they hold magic though I will provide them memories of how to do all they do now as humans so as not to overwhelm them as well as backgrounds. As for language I admit I had not considered that barrier as neither speak English and as Death I have no such issue. Unorthodox it may be especially in this case but it would be best to merge your soul with that of your alternates and merely place you as a babe, a twin to that version's child. Your bodies here are not strong enough for the transfer between worlds, and her body even with your magic to aid in healing would die before healers arrive. Though admittedly you will have to wait to reach out to your elves. I believe this shall even out our exchange. The Elder wand and the power it holds for you and yours to be guided to refuge in the world of your choice. The Cloak of Invisibility you inheritated so you may take all you've inherited your magic and worldly possessions to another world. And lastly, the Death Stone which calls upon the dead in exchange for the merging of you and your alternate's souls and a new body that will be twin to Uzumaki Naruto.

"So I'll be my alternate self's daughter? When our souls merge will I be her or me? Or someone entirely new?"

You shall remain yourself. All that will change is your body. You will gain her knowledge, her power, perhaps some of her stronger traits but aside from that nothing shall change. You will be more Uzumaki then Namikaze in appearance as while Namikaze Minato will be your 'father' your souls once merged shall hold far too much already and so for you will merely be as though you have gone through a late blood adoption. At most this will affect minor traits not outwardly prevalent in the Uzumaki line. This will mean that while Naruto takes after the Namikaze side of your new 'family' and can take on this name and become the Namikaze Head of House, or as the Elemental Nations call it, Clan Head. Your Uzumaki blood will be stronger and in truth even purer then that of Kushina allowing you to become Uzumaki Clan Head as only those of the main family and those with their chakra can and as such when the time comes to do so you can especially considering your 'new' kekkai genkai.

He lifted his scythe and hit it's bottom against the floor and a flash of white blinded me. 

"So you are me? And I'm you? " said the woman across from me in the field of clouds. "Shinigami-sama said to that you are from a parallel world or something like that, dattebane.  I, I just want to say thank you for doing this. I know you could have walked away but instead here you are for Naruto, my boy . . . or is it our boy now. And now I guess, he'll be your brother."

"We're family

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"We're family."

"Yea, I guess we are. Let's do this, dattebane!"

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