Childhood, Money & Adorable Naruto

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The academy had been simple enough. I'd done what I knew was right through my own memories. Of course, I had begun practicing once we had moved into our new home dragging Naruto along as often as I could though he wanted to wait until school began. We had come to an agreement where he would join me for target practice and help keep the apartment clean, mostly his side of the bedroom, and I wouldn't nag . . .as much.

Trouble in living alone had come with the civilians trying to sell us subpar or rancid food for absorbant prices if they didn't immediately kick us out, that is. I had taken to using the Transformation Jutsu to turn into a nondiscript civilian to get what we needed at the average price. It wasn't long after that the apartment's caretaker informed us that the rent had been raised and demanded we pay or be kicked out and he'd sell off everything in the house. I would've liked to see him try. After nearly two years passed, I asked 'Hokage Jiji' if the rent always raised as quickly as it did since we would be running out of money we set aside for food since I had taken to making our clothes myself since they only wanted to sell us those bright ugly jumpsuits for so much. Oh, the cloth I used wasn't cheap but I had found a wonderful old woman who had retired years before, one Kushina had known and gone to herself. The little storefront she held was only for cloths but occasionally she had some that were considered 'unsellable' or steeply discounted due to mix-matched patterns, areas being stained to darkly/lightly, or even just special orders for certain cloths that were never picked up and so were being sold at a reduced price after a few months passed.

Sarutobi was furious once he saw my cost journals and learned that our rent was now high enough for a 2 bed/1.5 bath LDK in one of the wealthier neighborhoods that catered to the few times a visiting noble or distinguished merchant stayed in Konoha for a period of time. He asked about the other exorbant or curious costs listed; cloths, seeds, food, and repairs. I told him of how Naruto and I had started a small garden of sorts in a hidden section of the roof to grow a few of the vegetables or fruits that were difficult to purchase, the repairs that we'd had to make or pay the caretaker to do from our own savings due to the lack of hot water or heat and the break-ins which resulted in our windows, furniture, and supplies that weren't hidden being destroyed. I told him of how it was so strange how our front door and appliances were always the only things left undamaged. He assured the both of us that he would handle it and handle it he did because just days after our eigth birthday rolled around a few weeks later he was handing us a deed to the complex and access to a hefty bank account before informing us that it was to be used for renovations on the complex and if he found it was used for anything else then it would be restricted and he would find someone to place in charge of it. Though he mostly stared at a drooling Naruto when he said it already knowing what was on his mind, ramen.

I had taken to asking if there was a way I would be able to sell stories for money. After all the books were always so expensive and I loved telling Naruto stories so why not write them too. The face he showed me may have been smiling but his eyes showed his doubt. Well I guess it's a good thing I have plenty of material to base it on. I hhanded him a journal with the first part of my 'story' about an orphan girl named Sora Haruhi and her adventures at a magic school and a hidden mystical gem that granted eternal youth and great wealth and the man  who hunted it. A few days later he asked if I had the rest of it written to read. Of course, I asked if he knew someone who could let me sell it. With that I met Honara Kenshi of Dragon Publishing House. Sarutobi had sat in with me during negotiations and the reading to make sure I wasn't scammed. It was moments later both Honara and Sarutobi learned just who was in charge of negotiations. By the end of the meeting it was decided that in regards to my first book I would recieve 25% Honara 15% and the Ryu Publishing the remaining 60% as they would be taking on the cost of production without any guarantee of sales. However, if sales wents well then the continuation of it which would lead to a 7 novel series and would be split 55/20/25 in my favor for the following 6 novels. It had been a hard sale but I had won both Honara and his boss/wife over. Never underestimate the power of an adorable little girl with a brain and the village's leader behind her.

The Dursley's may have never let me join in but I remember watching the games they played on their 'family game nights'. I remember when they gave me Dudley's toy room and how I had to clean it out; Monopoly, Life, Clue and so many others thrown in and forgotten. Each one could be applied to the Elemental Nations. Switch the names, money, places, careers and it was perfect. I made a monopoly board out of cardboard and drew paper money before buying some dice and drawing little characters for the pieces and properties and had Sarutobi play with us one night. He soon took me to see a wood crafter to create a game box for it. Money would never be a worry for Naruto or me now while we waited for our inheritance. Or rather the inheritance, I would say was hidden in the compounds, that I had brought with me into this world that would arrive with Winky, Dobby, and Kreature. I had set up an account for him with Jiji's help and of course a seperate ramen fund as well cause Kami knew I'd never hear the end of it if Naruto found out there was money but was denied his ramen. And in truth, I wouldn't have even thought of making the games if not for him so the money was partially his anyways for that.

I loved Naruto, there was no doubt about it. He was my adorable little otouto {And in another life my son} but sometimes he was a real pain in the ass. Try as I might to get him to focus on his Academy work and basic lessons he just couldn't and that was why I'd come up with the idea of making games. Clue made him think and consider look at things from different points and the importance of gathering intel. Monopoly taught him how to add and subtract but even more so it taught him the value of money. Life had taught him how life took unexpected turns especially when he ended up married with so many children. He had run around for a week taking care of the little pink and blue colored cardboard pieces, back before the game box was made, and freaking out anytime he lost one. His names for them were hilarious though; R.I.P little Chonan (First Son), Kemushi (Caterpillar), Musume (Daughter), Kaeru (Frog), Kinoko (Mushroom), and Hikigaeru (Toad). I feared for any future children he may really have. I'd definitely have to make sure whoever he marries has both good common sense, was strong (physically and mentally), confident, and now had good naming sense otherwise he might end up with a son or daughter named Mado (ramen) like he planned on naming the next one.

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