The Most Devious of Plots

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~No One's POV~

They were silent in their approach, meeting in the dark on the alley.

"I have a proposition." He said blank-faced.

"What?" his blue eyes hardened.

"It's quite ingenious, really. It will change everything." the dark eyed shinobi said.

"I'm listening" And so he did as the plan was explained. His eyes glinting with unspeakable evil.

"Approximately three hours from now they will both be in position. We'll both be getting what we want."

"And this will work? No"

"We strike then."

What Really Happened

In truth, they had been quite loud and met just in the shadow the academy cast, during lunch.

"I have a pro-zi-ton." Sasuke said mimicking his nii-san as best he could, but failing as his eyes glittered with excitement and upturned lips.

"Huh? A wha?" 

"An idea, dobe! A great idea! Life changing!" his voice raised in annoyance.

"Why didn't you just say that then? Teme." his eyes narrowed.

"ARGH! Just, listen. You have a nee-chan. A nee-chan, that makes you those cookies." He didn't notice how his eyes slightly glazed or mouth watered remembering the cookies Kiko had brought in for the class the day after academy started before remembering what they were meeting for. "I have a nii-san. A really, really strong nii-san! One that could protect her. A nii-san who could destroy her fanboys." He lips slid into a smirk.

"Tell me!" Naruto's eyes took on a glint at the thought of his nee-chan's fan-boys disappearing. Had anyone else saw his eyes they would have screamed of the Kyuubi's return while running for the safety of training ground 44, AKA the Forest of Death.

"Well, she's a girl and he's a boy. My kaa-san had fan-boys back when she was in the academy too, you know in ancient times, they followed her around until she met my tou-san. What you need to do is get your nee-chan a husband. A strong husband! And I just so happen to have a nii-san and he's only gonna get stronger. The best op-ton really but I mean you could always look for someone else." And it was at this point that Sasuke was glad for the research he'd done when he saw Naruto was clearly thinking of finding someone else. "I've heard that shinobi that's always running around in green screaming about youth is looking for a wife."

Naruto's face scrunched up. "I don't think Kiko-nee would like him. He's too loud and nee-chan likes to have quiet time. She says that's why she started giving me 'prank time' cause otherwise I would make her crazy. And that I had to start making smarter pranks on my own so I could become the King of Pranks when she retires."

"My nii-san likes his quiet time too." Sasuke said nodding before continuing and lifting his hand to rub his chin. "I know! There's one other one that might work."

"Who! Tell me!"

"His name is Hatake, he's that shinobi with weird white hair."

"An old man?" Naruto's face fell and it almost seemed at though mini raining storm clouds were appearing behind him as mushrooms grew around him. Sasuke sweat-dropped and wondered if this was a weird family thing with the Uzumaki twins. If so he definitely likes Kiko-chan's happy sparkles better.

"No, his hair's just that color." Naruto looked at him as if to say he was stupid and he ground his teeth together remembering why he was there. A wife for nii-san. A nee-chan. All the yummy cookies his tummy could fit, even if he had to share a few with a new little brother. A little brother? Sasuke realized he hadn't thought about that before and pictured Naruto looking up to him like he did with Itachi. His face red as he thought of big blue eyes looking up at him and those pouty lips calling him nii-san. His eye twitched. "There's just one thing." Naruto looked at him expectantly. "My kaa-san says he's a pervert." Naruto's eyes widened and his face filled with absolute horror.

" Naruto's eyes widened and his face filled with absolute horror

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"Wh- WhEn CaN ShE mEeT yOuR NiI-SaN?!?!?!?" Naruto shook him

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"Wh- WhEn CaN ShE mEeT yOuR NiI-SaN?!?!?!?" Naruto shook him. His voice sounded two-toned to Sasuke almost like someone else was speaking the same words with him. Little did he know just how right he was for Kurama had taken to his other container as a father would a daughter. 

"After school! Nii-san is picking me up it will be perfect!"


"YES! Now stop shaking me, dobe!" Naruto finally released Sasuke from his hold with a smile and his thanks for the  plan before walking away. "Urgh. I think I'm gonna throw up." Sasuke leaned against the academy building before grabbing his stomach and whispering to himself. "I really shouldn't have eaten all those cookies for lunch."


After school, A few blocks from the Academy

"Come on, Naruto!" Kiko said pulling him along. "Seriously, what's with you today? Usually you're the one rushing us to leave."

"Nothing nee-chan!" his big blue eyes stared at her with as much innocence as he could muster. "I just want to enjoy the walk home that's all!"

"You never enjoy the walk home because those boys follow us. Naruto, tell me what's going on!" Her eyes narrowed in on him as they turned the corner, only for her to bump into someone and feels hands catch her before she could fall back. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" she looked up to be met with a dark haired boy a few years older then them with tired dark eyes so reminiscent of her classmate's.


Just Moments Earlier

"Otouto, are you sure this is the way to the new dango shop you heard about?" Itachi looked down at Sasuke.

"Yea! It should be just around here somewhere." Sasuke made sure to divert his eyes and Itachi stopped their walk

"Really otouto, how about you tell me what this is about because I know for a fact there is no dango shop around here."

"She could probably make it for you" Sasuke mumbled under his breath unaware of the fact his brother could hear him clearly.

"She?" he asked eyebrow raised and realized there was a similar conversation going on only a few feet away if what he was hearing was right. He turned around only for a small redhead to bump into him. He grabbed onto her before she could fall back.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" her light voice spoke out as her head lifted and his eyes met the greenest emeralds he'd ever seen.

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