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"Great, everyone, let's do another round after a thirty-minute break for the scene with Effie and Robert singing A Whole New World, and then we will wrap it up." Mrs. Bloomfield announced.

Everyone got off the stage and took their break by mingling.

I sat in the audience as Effie, Logan, and Liam approached me with the look of wanting to sleep. I understand and get it because it's the weekend, and Mrs. Bloomfield has us in the auditorium early on a Friday. The seniors had no class, while the rest of the students took their finals.

"Oh my god, my feet hurt," Effie complained, plopping the seat next to me and lifting her feet on the chair in front of us.

"Tell me about it," rubbing my stomach. "But I think you are a theatre talent."

"How are my babies?" Liam takes the seat on the other side of me. Kissed my cheek and then kissed my round belly.

I smile.

Logan, who looked glumly groaned sitting next to Effie, put an arm behind her head and glared at Robert.

"Babe, stop," Effie elbowed his side.

"I can't help but want to pound that guy's face."

"He won't kiss me literally, and he has a girlfriend."

"I heard he used to have a crush on you back in TK. I bet he still has feelings for you and uses his girlfriend as a scapegoat."

"Oh, Logan, stop." I smiled as Effie whacked Logan's arm. "That was so long ago."

"Effie was popular back then," I blurted out to make it more interesting. "It's not just Robert who has a crush on her. Back then, people called her a Lolita because of her attractive features like a porcelain doll."

"Lily, shut up!" She whispered to me, and I laughed.

"I'm going to talk with Mrs. B and discuss a switch in casting," Logan jolted up, but Effie caught him from leaving and brought him down.

"Logan, sit down. I told you that was long ago before my parents died. I don't know why your getting so worked up about that."

"You are playing Jasmine, and he's Aladdin. I don't like any guy to kiss you." He whined. Effie rolled her eyes. "Liam, how did you feel when you found out Lily was going to play Jasmine."

"Hey bro, don't pull me into your argument," Liam held his hands up.

"Bullshit, just tell me. How do you feel?"

I looked up at Liam as our eyes met. I never thought of his feelings once I got the part of Jasmine. We were together at the time but had issues. I never knew how he felt."

Liam sighed. "Honestly, bro, I thought the same as you wanting to pound Robert's face."

"Thank you!" Logan exclaimed, winning his point of argument, Effie and I rolled our eyes simultaneously.

I looked at her, and she looked at me as she said, "Men."

I can agree with that.

After thirty minutes, and it was back to rehearsals, I went to the restrooms to do my business after I flushed and washed my hands.

I lifted my head to look at myself in the mirror and saw a shadowy figure behind me. My heart skipped a beat. I turned to see who it was, but this person got my mouth covered with a cloth as I inhaled and exhaled strong chemicals into my lungs, and before I knew it, my head felt heavy, and my vision went blurry as it made me collapse into someone's arms other than Liam.

I woke up to screeching sounds as if someone's nails were scratching a chalkboard. My head was hurting as I slowly rose off with a groan. I massage my head, and as my vision becomes clear, I find myself not in my pink princess room. Instead, I'm in someone else's room; under me is a large king-size bed with a canopy and elegant furniture that seems older than Grandma Birdie. I craned my neck up to look at the chandelier above me. Everything in this room appears too old fashion yet meant for royalty.

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