Oliviera's Siblings

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I slowly open my eyes. It feels like I've been sleeping for a whole year. I look around and find myself on a very large room. From the looks of it, it's like a princesses room.

'Wait, princess?' I tried to get up. What a soft bed. I looked at the mirror next to the bed. 'Who is that?' Ask me to myself. What a pretty little girl. Her chubby cheeks are like a meatball. The crystal like ocean-blue eyes that shines. And a silk silver hair.

'Hmm? She moved her hand?' That means, I am moving my hand a little bit. Then the reflection must have been... Myself!

I tried to remember that dream I had just now. I just got an accident right? But when I woke up, it feels like a dream. 'Or maybe, it's not just a dream?'

I heard some voices outside the room. It sounded like two or three people. I was about to hear what they were saying, but the door seems to open before I could hear it.



I caught by surprise that I almost jumped out of the bed. There're three people inside my room. Dont know how, but I seem to know them. The most tall of them, is a boy wearing a training outfit. I guess he is about...12 year old? And the one who yelled at me is a girl, maybe she is 10 year old. Beside her there's a little boy with his chubby cheek. He's like a baby.

"Abel! You don't know how I was so~o worried!" The girl seems to be the type who would yell a lot. Not only that, she keeps hugging me since she entered this room. I almost couldn't breathe...

"Ellenora, like I said. You should've knock before entering someone's room." Said the training outfit-boy release the girl hand out of my neck. Thank god! Now I can breathe free!

'Did he just say Ellenora?' Somehow that feels familiar. "Um...are you Ellenora?" I just said that a second ago, and now they all freeze like an ice on the north pole.

"Di, did you....DON'T KNOW WHO I AM?!" I flinch because that high-tone voice that girl made. "How about me?!" Now the boy is the one who is asking. I feel like I am in the middle of an interrogation. "I'm your sister, Ellenora! How could you forget your own sister?!"

"Eh?!" Ellenora, I've heard of such name before. Ellenora, Ellenora Oliviera. That's...that is my sister name. How can I forgot so much after having that strange dream.

"Bi, big sis. Of course I wouldn't forget!" I tried to change the atmosphere here. "Then how about me? Can you remember me?" That boy is asking me again.

I stared at his golden eyes for about a minute. I remember! This boy is Hildert Oliviera, my brother, and the oldest from four of us siblings. The little boy that stand beside big sis (Ellenora) is Lucius. My little brother that is only two years old.

"Um, Big brother Hildert, isn't it?" Once I answered him, he seems to feel relieved. So as big sis Ellenora. "I thought you would lost your memories after got hit by the head."

"Hit, my head?" Ah, right. There was a royal tea party held once a year. This year our kingdom's being the host. I trip and lost consciousness while ettending the party. "Where mother and father might be now?" I ask.

"They have some business to do so they left the house this morning." Answer big brother Hildert. 'Of course they're not here. If they were here it would've been so niosy right now' I kind of remembered just how noisy this family was when one of us were injuried. Just like the time when sister Ellenora's injuried from swordtrainning. It was just a small scratch. But they all taking it so seriously.

"Its a good thing that you woke up before tomorrow!" Said Big brother shows a smile on his face.


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