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The front door of the largest house in town closes quietly as its 2.30am and he doesn't want to disturb his daughters sleep. Just because he is never around, it doesn't mean he doesn't care. He takes his time walking up the grand staircase and towards his study, like always, but to his surprise, when he walks through the door, his daughter is sitting in his huge desk chair at his workspace.

"Alexia, what are you doing up at this time of the night? You should be in bed for school." He calmly states to his one and only daughter who he rarely sees nowadays.

Alexia looks up at her father with an unreadable expression. She's always been good at hiding what she's feeling. "Well dad, thats what I want to talk to you about. Not why I'm up at this time," she explains. "But about school."

He seems surprised that Alexia is awake just now, never mind her wanting to talk about school, especially at this time at night. "Well, what about school? Are you in trouble?"

Alexia is not usually the type to get into trouble but when her name or the family is brought into it, she doesn't hold back. "No, I'm not in trouble or anything. But I do want to ask you something, and its kinda big." She states, calm as ever.

"Well, what is it? I've not got all night." He always had to work. He always put work first and sometimes it was what needed to be done, he liked to know that his family had more than enough to have a luxury lifestyle, but other times, he could choose to spend time with his daughter and family instead of working, but to him, its more important for Alexia to have all the material things he could give her instead of the affection he wasn't ready to give.

"Well... I want you to enroll me into boarding school." She hesitated. "But not just any school, Fox Acres Boarding School... In New York." Saying that William was shocked was an understatement. Alexia wanted to move from San Francisco, all the way across the country, to New York. Thats a big change.

"And why would you want to move across the country for school. And you can't say because you want to go to a better school because I have enrolled you into the best school in the state. So what is it?" He was beyond confused right now.

She inhales a deep breath then explains. "The reason I want to move is because I'm sick of everything. I'm sick of people using me, for money, for popularity, for boys, everything. I'm also sick of people stopping me anywhere at all, at the mall, in the middle of the street, even when I try to buy coffee. I'm tired of having people turn round and stab me in the back because I actually care about them. I'm tired of having everything but a family that cares. I'm sure your sorry for not being here, blah blah blah, and its not my fault about what happened with mum but I just want a fresh start, away from everything." She finally says how she feels.

He is stunned. He never knew what his daughter was going through. He thought she was happy. "Uh... I never knew. I thought you were fine, you liked going out with your friends and having the place to yourself to do whatever you wanted, but I'm sorry that I can't get over what happened with your mum okay? I just can't. But I don't think its a good idea for you to move across the country."

"Why not? Its not as if you're ever around so it won't make a difference there."

"Well, for one, people can still recognise you, its still America. And two, I don't want my daughter living over two thousand miles away." He tells Alexia, firmly.

"People won't recognise me tho, I will change my appearance. Ive always wanted to die my hair anyway and this is a better time than any, and plus, I will stay in the shadows, no drama, nothing. No one will even look my way because I will be the walking nerd of the school that no one wants to talk to." Alexia insists. She really has the whole thing planned out.

William thinks about it for a good five minutes, balancing out the pros and cons and finally speaks up. "Ill let you go, but only on one condition..." She nods her head to tell him to continue. "You give me more time to try and grieve about you know what..."



Hey guys, so if your reading this story, thanks. And please give it a chance. Ive never been the type of person to finish a story, but hopefully this changes that. I am 15, so be prepared for some bad grammar errors and false facts. Remember as well that this is fiction, there is not a school called Fox Acres Boarding School that i know of and if there is, i apologise but i will not change it anyway. Thank you all for reading again.

~Emma xoxo


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