Chapter 3

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After an intense cleaning session... okay a bit of an exaggeration. After cleaning up pillows and blankets i went for a shower in our en-suite bathroom and brushed my teeth.

While i was in the shower Mads said she would go and get us some breakfast so she's away to get me some avocado on toast and my almond iced latte from the cafe five minutes off campus. She said she gets her breakfast to-go from there almost everyday.

Once i stepped out of the shower, i wrapped myself in a towel and wiped the steam off the mirror.

I look at myself in the mirror and sigh. First day of classes. First full day if no one know who i am. A fresh start, hopefully. I walk towards the bathroom door and unlock it.

I open the door and walk out, making my way towards the closet were my half is just filled with my luggage, unpacked. Ugh, i don't have an outfit out yet so I'm gonna have to go through my stuff while in a towel.

As i grab the first suitcase out of the closet i hear someone clear their throat. I scream a little and jump in surprise and the person in the room chuckles. I know that chuckle... I spin around and see Mason sitting on Madison's bed, the exact way as yesterday.

"Why are you here? In my room?" I ask, fuming that he is in my room while im in nothing but a towel, and a small one at that.

"Nice view." He's referring to my barely covered ass. I know this because he won't stop staring at it.

I roll my eyes for like the millionth time since I've been here. "Eyes up here asshole. And you didn't answer my question, why are you here?"

He just smirks then replies with an amazing "cos i am."

Are you having a laugh? For the few hours I've known him, he is the most aggravating person I've ever met.

"Get out!" I shout. He just sits there with that stupid grin on his face. "GET OUT!" I scream. He laughs. He fucking laughs. "Oh my god." I say to myself then i hear the door open and in walks Madison. "Thank god. Get your asshole of a brother out of here so i can get ready for class. Please."

"Mason. Out." Mads says calmly.

"Nope." he replies, popping the 'p'.

"Ugh. Mason. Just move your fat ass and get out our room. Now. Go and find your annoying ass friends and hang out with them." Mads stresses, getting frustrated.

"Okay. Fine. Whatever you guys want. I guess ill leave yous alone." He exaggerates a sigh and walks towards the door. "See you guys later." And with that, he leaves.

Thank god!!!

"Ive got breakfast... and coffee." I smile, say thank you and tell her I'm going to get ready first.


After having my coffee, I'm in such a better mood. The breakfast was good too but i can't function without coffee, bad habit i know but who cares.

Today i decided to wear plan black leggings and an oversized grey Champion hoodie with some black tennis shoes. The one thing i hate about hiding my identity is that i have to sacrifice my amazing sense of style. And when i say amazing, i mean A-Maz-Ing!

After throwing long hair up into a messy pony tail and slipping on my fake glasses, i grab my backpack with all my notebooks and my laptop in it and walk with Madison out our dorm room.

While walking, i pull out my schedule and Mads and I look over it. "Oh my god. We've got a lot of classes together. Not all but enough. We've got first, third, fourth and fifth together today." Mads exclaims.

"That'll be fun." I look at her and grin then look back at my schedule. "Well, we've got math first then I make my way to physics while you go to..." I trail off.

"Uh... Bio, i think." She hesitates but laughs anyway. "Well, lets get going."

We link arms and make our way to first period math.


Math went by faster than expected after finding two seats at the back of the class and talking most of the period with Mads. If we weren't talking, i was daydreaming about anything and everything. The class was quite boring though, i had already learned this in the past.

After first period, mads and I parted ways as we made our way to separate classes. As i make my way to physics, i see mason making out with a girl, who seems to be enjoying herself, at the lockers beside my physics classroom.

You have got to be kidding me!

I roll my eyes at his behaviour and slip into the classroom quickly without him noticing and make my way to a vacant seat.

The rest of the class that wasn't already here starts filing in and i hear someone pull the chair out next to me.

I look over and see a good looking guy with a goofy smile looking straight at me. "Hi, I'm Elliot. You can call me Eli. Are you new?" He says excitedly. Oh my god, he's just like an excited puppy.

I laugh at him a little then answer his question. "Ye I am. I moved here from San Francisco. My names Alexia."

He grins at me. "Oh Lexi, we are gonna be the best of friends." He exclaims and pulls his chair closer to mine and links his arm with mine.

Throughout the whole class, he made it more enjoyable. He was making silly comments every time the teacher spoke which made me giggle and the teacher would look over at us every 5 minutes. He didnt let go of my arm once and it did annoy me a little when i was writing but i got used to it. He's so funny and cute, in like a brother way.


Hey guys. Sorry i havent updated as frequently as i thought i would. Ive just been distracted with binge watch netflix and disney + and i know its no excuse but thats my reason. Also been having some late night convos with my main bitch nic every couple of nights so sorry again and hope you all enjoy.

~Emma xoxo


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