Chapter 2

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Korra awoke to the sounds of many birds above her, and steady breathing just beside her. She breathed deeply and smiled before opening her eyes. Sometime during the night, she and Asami had become even more entwined than before, with her head resting on Korra's chest. She looked so pure and innocent and beautiful when she slept, eyes closed softly and lips just barely parted.

Moving slowly, so as not to wake her new girlfriend, Korra looked up. The sky had warmed to an interesting hue of greenish-blue. The tree above them, which had simply been covered in green leaves when they fell asleep, had grown a multitude of delicious-looking fruit just overnight. A horde of Spirit-birds were perched in the branches, nibbling at the ripe fruit.

"Hey, Asami," Korra whispered, rubbing her nose against Asami's forehead and stroking her hair. "Wake up...look!"

But it seemed Asami did not want to wake up. Curling tighter around Korra's body, she dug in with her fingers and caught her leg that much tighter between her own. Also, her cheek nuzzled against one of the firm breasts beneath it. There could be nothing in the waking world better than where she was right then.

Korra flushed a deep shape of crimson as Asami murmured in her sleep and clung tighter to her body. Her long fingers clung tighter to her hair and her chest bindings, and if Korra had moved her leg just another inch, she could have felt the crux of her thighs against her knee. The idea was...tempting, to say the least. But now, as hot and bothered as she was getting, she felt almost obligated to wake her.

"Hey," Korra whispered a little louder, combing her fingers through Asami's hair and kissing each of her closed eyes. "Come on, it's morning! You're going to want to see this."

The little kisses did it. Asami jerked awake, blinking dazedly and trying to figure out where she was. "Hey... wh-what's going on? Where..."

And then she recognised the surreal environment. The colours that seemed like they could not be real, the lush and alien fruits on the tree above them. The unusual one-legged creatures loping across the distant plane.

"...the Spirit World."

"Did you forget already?" Korra chuckled, still running her fingers through Asami's silken hair. They sat up together and Korra let her lean back against her chest. "Look, a bunch of fruits grew overnight!" She pointed around them. Sure enough, while they'd slept, every tree in the field seemed to have produced ripe fruits of every color. The whole world around them was awash in jewel tones, and in the songs of the Spirit-birds who had come to enjoy the fruit.

"They look so... unreal," Asami whispered as she rubbed a bit more sleep from her eyes, then allowed her arm to fall loosely around her waist. "Do you think- I mean, can humans eat them, or only spirits?"

"I guess we could eat them," Korra replied casually. "I ate Spirit food the last time I was here. Honestly, it tasted pretty good. Never seen these fruits before, though."

After thinking for a moment, Korra stood up, motivated both by hunger and an urge to show off for Asami. She stretched for a moment before jumping into their air and Bending it around her to shoot her up into the tree. The birds chittered noisily as she perched on a branch, but they didn't seem to mind her being there. She picked the few closest to her and jumped back down, landing on the earth with a light thud. Then she dumped her armful of fruit out in front of Asami and took a big, juicy bite of a bright green one that looked particularly appealing.

"Mmm... yeah, you gotta try this! It tastes like melons and apples at the same time!"

Snickering as she watched Korra's magnificent display of Bending prowess, and then at the rivulet of juice that was running down her chin, Asami picked out a large purple one with white leaves and sank her own teeth into the flesh.

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