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Snufkin walked down the old woodland path playing his new spring tune. He had missed Moomintroll ever so much these past few winters. Moomintroll sleeps through the winter so it's like Snufkin never left!.. for Moomin. But for Snufkin, He had to go through all those months with out his best friend. No matter. He was here now, and that's all that counts! He saw Moomin sitting on a log with an apple core by his feet. Moomin's ears perked up as he heard the sound of that all familiar mouth organ.

"Snufkin?" Moomin spoke, springing up from his seat. "Snufkin!" Moomin ran over to the Mumrik just as he stopped playing.

"Moomintroll" Snufkin said calmly.

"Oh! Heh, yeah.. Snufkin" Moomin said awkwardly. Snufkin found this cute. He started setting up his fishing pole on the small bridge as Moomin sat next to him. There was a few awkward moments of silence before they spoke.

"I have something to tell you"
"I have something to tell you"

They both said at the same time. They chuckled.

"You go first" Moomintroll said.

"There's something.. weird going on." He said looking at the river dangling below his feet.

"How so?" Moomin replied. Snufkin hesitated

"I.. I have a tail."

"A what?!" Moomin was surprised, he wasn't expecting that!

"I'm as shocked as you are!"

"W-wait, can I see it?" Moomin got exited.

"Well, it's a little on the short side" he blushed slightly "but maybe once it's grown"

"O-oh! Yes yes of course!" Another few agonisingly silent moments were shared before they heard a yell come from inside the moomin household.

"Moomin sweetie! Time for lunch!" It was Moominmama.

"Would you like to join us?" Moomin asked Snufkin.

"No thank you" Snufkin politely declined.

"Oh okay, I'll be back right after lunch okay?"

"Heh heh, okay Moomin." Moomin rushed inside the house for lunch as Snufkin sat there waiting for the fish to take the bait.

🏳️‍🌈Moominvalley🌼Snufmin☀️Fluff🍂Fanfiction❄️                     +some angstWhere stories live. Discover now