Chapter 1

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July 13, 2013
One Direction Concert Day!

Jade's POV
It was finally the day that we've been waiting for, for about 6 months! Megan, Paige, Sienna, and I were going to be meeting up with Lily and her 4 friends: Ava, Leah, Kaeli, and Izzy, along with One Direction! It was the Chicago show of the "Take Me Home Tour" for the boys and we were so excited to see Lily and the other girls, plus enjoy a concert and hang out with one of our favorite artists' and good friends! We all met the boys' last summer when we went to Miami for spring break and we all have this great friendship. It's actually quite funny of how Lily and the other 4 met the One Direction boys about a year and a half ago, but that story is too long! But, as of right now, Lily is dating Zayn, Ava is dating Harry, Leah is dating Louis, Kaeli is dating Niall, and Izzy is dating Liam!
Lily mentioned that we were going to meet One Direction's new opening band too! I have to text her to ask their name so us 4 can looks up some of their songs so were not completly lost while they're preforming!
It's 9am when my alarm finally goes off. For the first time ever, I don't groan when I hear it. I wake up peacefully, roll over and shut the alarm off. I look around Megan and I's shared room {} and see that she's still asleep in the bed across from mine. So, I get out of bed, look out the window, and see the perfect, cloudless, sunny sky. This was going to be a perfect day. I decide to be a little funny and I jump up on her bed in an almost panic mode. "Megan! Megan! Megan!" I scream. By now, she's definatly awake and looks scared shitless! "Help! I'm sick!" I exclaim. "You're what?!" She replies. "No! You CAN'T be sick!" "But I am..." I reply in a dramatic tone. "I'm sick with... with... the One Direction Infection!" I reply in a fangirl tone as I bounce down on her bed. "Jade! You can't do that to me! I thought you were actaully sick! You had me worried that our perfect day was going to be ruined by you!" Megan replies in a motherly voice. "Oh hush up, Mom, you know it was hilarious!" "Maybe... but you did have me scared!" "Well you need to learn to not get scared then!" Well maybe you need to learn to not jump on sleeping people's beds and scare them!" I roll my eyes playfully, and reply, "Oh... hush!" Megan just laughs and then asks, "Hey! Did you ever text Lily and ask the name of the their opening band?!" "No, not yet! I'll do that now!" I reply while grabbing my phone off my night stand.

-New Text Message To Lily-
Jade: Hey Lil! Do you mind texting me the name of the boys' opening act?
Lily: Sure girl! The bands' name is 5 Seconds Of Summer!
Jade: 5 Seconds Of Summer?
Lily: Yep! Have you heard of them?
Jade: Wait... the 5 Seconds of Summer my brothers' in?
Lily: Your brother...?
Jade: Yeah,... my brother Michael...
Lily: Mlichael Clifford is your brother?!
Jade: Umm yeah.. Look at the last name Lily!
Lily: Holy shit! It never dawned on me! Omfg, that's so cool! Their super good! But wait... if Michael's your brother, then how come you didn't know they were touring with the boys?!
Jade: Lily, you just had the biggest blonde moment! And because... we're not that close anymore, the past two years.. there hasn't been much contact between us. He doesn't make much of an effort to have a relationship with me anymore... the last time I seen him was over Christmas.. almost 7 months ago. I haven't spoken to him since then. But hey! Don't tell him I'm coming, I want it to be a surprise!
Lily: Girl, I know it! And damn, that sucks... well maybe now you guys can reconnect! And alright! All they know is that 4 of my friends from Chicago are going to come back stage and meet them, and hang with us!
Jade: I wouldn't count on it.. but okaaay! & sounds great Lil, thanks again for everything! You're perf Lily!<3 I'll see you in a little while! I can't wait! But I gotta go start getting ready! Love Youuuuu!
Lily: No problem, Jade. It's my pleasure! Love you too! <3 Have fun! Text me later!
Jade: Will do girlie! <3 xx
~~ End of Conversation~~

I was so thankful to have Lily in my life! She's such an amazing and down-to-earth person. She's a great asset to everyone's life and she's really worth knowing! When she told us four that she got us tickets and backstage passes and all that jazz to the show, we were so shocked and excited! But when we tried to pay her for it, she refused to take our money!
"So did she tell you the name of the band?" Megan pestered as I put my phone back on the charger. "Yep!" I reply. "Well who is it?!" Megan asks as she opens up her YouTube app. "5 Seconds of Summer" I reply seeing if she would remember that it's my brothers band. "5 Seconds of summer, okay! Wait... isn't that Michael's band?!" I start to laugh a little, "Yes, Megan, it is indeed!"
"Well, how the hell did you not know they were on tour with One Direction?!"
"Megan, don't be stupid! I haven't seen Michael in 7 months and I've barely have had one conversation with him in like, 2 years! So maybe if actually called me or texted me once in a while, I would have known that his band is touring with One Direction, but since he hasn't chosen to continue a relationship with me, I wouldn't have known!" I said in an angering and dissapointing tone.
I really wanted to have Michael still be a huge part of my life. We used to be so close when we were younger. We had an amazing bond, that I thought couldn't be broken. He was only a little over a year older than me. He was literally my best friend for a huge chunk of my life. But ever since I moved to Chicago, things went down the drain. Phone calls went from 3 a day, to 2 a day, to 1 to none. Texts went from all day, to ever so often in the day, to once in a while, to maybe 1 text from him every other day, then to just nothing. Face to face conversations began to get awkward and distant. When we would see each other, it turned from talking all day and night to a faint, "Hello." and maybe one small talk conversation. It was saddening really. I tried so hard to keep my relationship with my brother strong. So he could still be my bestfriend. But it's like he gave up on me. Gave up on his sister.
"Come on Megan! Finish with your hair! I need the curling wand ASAP." I yell across the room to Megan who's literally been curling her hair for an hour. It probably wasn't the best idea to share one curling wand with 4 people. Sienna has already given up on the fact that she would get to even use it for 5 minutes, so she just threw her hair up into a super cute bun. Paige was becoming impatient and started braiding her hair, just in case we ran out of time before she could add some curls to her hair. Finally after what seems like 20 more minutes, Megan finally finished with her hair and handed the iron to me. I decided to go with soft beachy waves. It takes me about 7 minutes to finish my hair, and then when I go to hand the curling iron to Paige, the iron slips out of her hand and falls on my toe, still on, burning my toe! "Fuck! Paige! Grab it! Shit, it burned my goddamn toe!" I wimpered in pain. "Oh my fucking god Jade, I'm so sorry! Go quick! Run it under cold water! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! Paige says apologizing. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm sure!" I say in a sarcastic, joking manner as I run to the bathroom to run my toe under cold water. As soon as my burned toe reaches the ice cold water it stings and feels like there is a million tiny knives going into my toe. Eventually, the stinging sensation goes away and it feels good and cool. I remove my foot from the sink and put on a bandaid with some antibiotic cream on my toe then I throw on my mint Vans. I walk back into the area where everyone is rushing to get ready and I grab my purse and start to fill it with concert essentials. I'm always that "just-in-case" packer. I throw in some bug spray, Advil, more bandaids, portable charger, chapstick, phone, money, and anything else I could possibly need!
Before I can take one final look at myself, I need to find my sunglasses. I will die if I don't have them! I cannot STAND the sun in my eyes! I even bought a new pair for today! But where exactly did I leave them...?
I eventually find them, and I make my way over to my dresser, adding the the final touches to my outfit. Earrings, some more bracelets, and a cute headband! As I put on more bracelets over my existing ones, I can't help but notice the outline of that name that's permanently inked on my skin. That name that I love yet, hate. It still haunts me everyday, even almost 4 years later. I try to forget about those thoughts for now, this wasn't going to be ruining my perfect day, I think as I put the extra bracelets on.
About 15 minutes later, everyone is finally finished getting ready! We're suprisingly early. Before we walk downstairs, we all take one final look at ourselves and I must admit, we all look pretty fucking good!
~~~{ Girls' Concert Oufits:
Jade in this:
Megan in this:
Paige in this:
Sienna in this: ~~~}

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