Proloque (Edit)

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"Run A-Cheng!!!"


"From now on, Wei Wuxian are the traitor of Yunmeng Jiang!!!"


"JIE!!! Wei Wuxian, you said you can control them!"


"Wei Wuxian. Go to HELL!!!"



A pair of beautiful violet eyes open widely. Gasped for air. His body was soaked with his sweat. His heart still beating fast because of his dream.

A thirteen year old young boy sat and looked to his left side. Wei Wuxian, his shixiong, sleeping and snoring at his bed. Still in good condition. Not like his dream, BLOODY and INSANE shixiong fell from cliff.

Jiang Cheng relieved.

The light of room were dimmer with a lantern outside their bedroom. Judging the light from the lantern, it's still early in the morning.

Most people return to their sleep after the nightmares. But Jiang Cheng belongs to minor people.

He knew his dream were a sign.

He got off his bed and grab his outer robe.

Jiang Cheng sneaked out Lotus Pier without the disciples of Sect Jiang that on duty notice.

He ran into the forest.



He have to do something. He needs that PERSON help!

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