Chapter 1 (Edit)

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Lotus Pier, Present;

Jiang Cheng stretched his arms as he finish signed last document that evening. Lotus Pier were peaceful that day. Not that he complained but Jiang Cheng really want to enjoy his day as he stuck in his study room since morning. He even let his right man took over the practice morning since the mountain of document didn't pile down by itself.

He still enjoyed his stretching as the sound of running came louder and louder towards his study room.

"Aiya... So much for peaceful of a bit," His frown appeared on his face.


The door were brutally slide open. There were only two people that brave to come his study room and that person is his shixiong, Wei Wuxian. His husband, Lan Wangji or Hanguang-Jun stood behind him. Wei Wuxian had yet ride his Suibian as his or former Mo Xuanyu's golden core still weak. As a loyal husband, Lan Wangji carried his shixiong to ride on Bichen.

Jiang Cheng sighed.

"What do you want?"

He was still stretching and right now his upper body bended backward to his leg.

Wei Wuxian grin. He lower his head as the same level Jiang Cheng face.

"Can you join us night hunt tonight? It's been while since you buried under those lousy documents,"


"Why~~~~," His puppy eyes and pouted mouth appeared.

"Because I'm busy tonight,"

"But Cheng-Cheng, you didn't go out from Lotus Pier over five months. Jin Ling worried sick about you. I'm worried too especially your health. Come on, let's get your body move a bit longer,"

Jiang Cheng snorted and straighten his body. He bow to Lan Wangji before put his attention to his shixiong.

"No. Why do you eager to make me join you tonight?" A purple shoot out a bit from Zidian as Jiang Cheng anger rose.

"Cause your nephew said you looked like a living corpse," Wei Wuxian examined his shidi/shimei up and down.

"I admit that his right, you really need to get out of your room. Your skin looks pale than usual. Even Lan Zhan can identify your condition" Lan Wangji only nodded when Wei Wuxian look at Jiang Cheng closer.

A deep dark black formed under Jiang Cheng's eyes. His colour much paler than usual. Rather that, he concerned more was his shidi lost his weight that made his cheekbone look sharper than before.

Jiang Cheng tried to calm his anger and Zidian return to normal, lifeless ring. He admit he didn't ate much for past five months. He only went out fir conference meeting. Not more and less than that.

"Besides, Zewu-Jun was asking about you,"

His left eyebrow lifted. Why would Sect Leader Lan ask about him? It's not that he's important.

"Why wou... What do... He already out from his seclusion?" Everyone knew Lan Xichen went into seclusion since the truth and death of both his sworn brother five months ago.

Though it was alright take a seclusion in a short time. What makes Sect Leader Lan went out of his seclusion.

Wei Wuxian shrugged.

"So, can you join us? Please~~~~," His puppy eyes more visible that before. As much Jiang Cheng want to decline, he could not stop thinking that both his shixiong and nephew were worried about him.

"Only tonight. After this, I have to settle other document,"

Wei Wuxian smile brighter than ever. He then jumped to Lan Wangji. Three of them went out from that room without realizing a letter suddenly appeared on Jiang Cheng desk.

Yunmeng Jiang and Gusu Lan disciples were doing night hunt with Jiang Cheng, Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, Jin Ling and shocked Jiang Cheng, Lan Xichen.

Wei Wuxian already stick to Lan Wangji. Jin Ling with Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi. Out of blue, Lan Xichen with Jiang Cheng.

"How are you, Sect Leader Jiang? I've heard that you being busier these days," Lan Xichen asked.

"I'm fine. Thank you for asking. I'm surprise that you off your seclusion much earlier than I expected," Jiang Cheng looked at first Twin Jades of Gusu. Lan Xichen still have his smile.

"Yes. I never thought I went out of seclusion just in five months,"

Both were silence as they walked into the woods. Lan Xichen remembered as he spoke his decision to Lan Wangji to end his seclusion, his brother happy and relieve at the same time. Even his uncle sighed in relieve as he heard his nephew didn't took a long time like his brother. Lan Qiren gave a week to Lan Xichen to take care of himself before taking over the sect leader work.

"It all thanks to your letter, that I have courage to face the world. For that, I thank you, Sect Leader Jiang," A slightly pink were appeared on Jiang Cheng cheeks.

Never knew his letter that he sent three months earlier, could gave Lan Xichen strength to went out of seclusion.

"It's just a letter. But the decision are on your own. No one can force you to be in grief in a long period,"

Lan Xichen smile even wide.

"As a return, let me help you on documents you been dealing with,"

'I don't need you help!'

Jiang Cheng thought scream.

"Well, if not about case. Let's have tea Satin Tea House on your free time. I've heard they serve the unique tea,"

Jiang Cheng stop. He turn face to face Lan Xichen. Both of them stared at each other. Long before Jiang Cheng nodded. They continued the hunt without realizing that two pair of eyes watching them since the night hunt began. Both of them came out among the trees. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji looked at Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen walked deep into the woods.

Lan Wangji knew his wife being in rage. He hugged his wife. Wei Wuxian back to his chest.

"Lan Zhan, I don't like this scene,"

Lan Wangji slowly turned Wei Wuxian to face him.

"I will never want Jiang Cheng getting hurt again," Lan Wangji only kissed his wife's temple, knowing what his wife meant.

Lan Xichen wants Jiang Cheng as Jin Gaungyao replacement.

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