Chapter 4 (Edit)

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Cloud Recesses;

Twin Jade of Gusu, Two Pride of Yunmeng and Lan Qiren were at Lan Qiren's study room. All of them did not say anything after heard the incident at Yunmeng border.

"Sect Leader Jiang, you are saying that it happen because of sword and hairpin?" Lan Xichen asked.

"I didn't say it happen because of it. I just suspect it. The sword and hairpin didn't respond your inquiry, I refuse to said something that does not clear, Sect Leader Lan,"

"Maybe we can do the Empathy?" Wei Wuxian suggest.

All of them knew, it's the only last choice to do. But Empathy were dangerous. Even a bit of mistake, death may approach them. Especially if the person did not have strong cultivation and does not have knowledge about it.

Lan Qiren sighed.

"If it choice we have, so will be. Since that things brought here, many things have happened. Especially at the library," Lan Qiren sipped his tea.

"I think we have to do it by tomorrow. We've being played inquiry ever since that day," Lan Xichen noticed his uncle tired face.

"Sect Leader Jiang, I will show your room for the night," Jiang Cheng looked at Lan Xichen and nodded.

Jiang Cheng tossed around. Tried to find a better position to sleep. But his brain still kept thinking about sword, hairpin, present of energy and living corpses. Knew it was vain, he got off his bed.

Walking around after curfew are prohibited in Cloud Recesses rules. He roll his eyes during his time studied here. Have a bunch of rules and ridiculous rules.

Jiang Cheng walk and walk. Until he reached a bridge. The first time they talk outside study session. He walked until the middle the bridge. A sound of river flow, a scenery of trees along the river with the light from the moon made everything look pleasant to see.

That time, Jiang Cheng was fifteen. Where Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji still in a bad relationship. Where Lady Wen Qing still alive. Everything still in peaceful before Wen Sect blew a war to four sect to get a pieces of stupid rock.

"Zewu-Jun, please let us join you. Both of us growing with water, dealing a ghost haul are the simplest thing we can handle," Jiang Cheng smiled.

"No need,"

"Aiya, Lan Zhan. Why-" As Wei Wuxian arguing with Lan Zhan, Lan Xichen smile brightly. The first loud beat pound in Jiang Cheng heart. Restrict himself from blush like a virgin maiden.

"Well, then. Both of you can come along then,"

Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng eyes met. Made his heart beating even faster than before.

"It's nearly two decades, huh," Jiang Cheng mumbled as he looked at the moon.

"What two decades?" Jiang Cheng starled. A voice that still made his heart beating furiously.

"It's something bothering you, Jiang Wanyin?"

'Jiang Wanyin? Since when we become close?'

"No. Nothing. Just couldn't sleep. What about you, Zewu-Jun? Why would Sect Leader Lan wandering around after curfew?" Jiang Cheng sarcasm. Lan Xichen chuckled.

"Need some fresh air,"

Jiang Cheng glared at Lan Xichen. With the light from the moon, Lan Xichen even more breath-taking than usual.

'No wonder, he is the top among cultivator. I should have realize it. Both of us will never be together,'

"I will take leave by then. Have a good rest, Zewu-Jun," Before he could leave, a strong, big hand wrapped his right wrist.

"Will Wanyin join me for a while?"


Jiang Cheng eyebrow lifted. Knowing that Zewu-Jun only see him as replacement of Jin Guangyao. He took a deep breath.

"Pardon my rudeness, I want to retire for the night," Jiang Cheng arrogantly said. Lan Xichen realised his grip.

"Alright then. Have a good rest, Wanyin,"

Jiang Cheng walked to his room. Wrap around his right wrist. Still felt the warm from that man.

'I'm sorry. I don't deserve you,'

The next morning;

"No, Wei Ying!"

"Lan Zhan. Please be reasonable,"

The scene before Jiang Cheng eyes were an argument of married couple. It started after breakfast at Lan Xichen's study room and suggestion from Wei Wuxian that volunteering himself to do the Empathy.

Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. Two single people didn't say a word to married couple. Jiang Cheng sighed.

"Wei Wuxian, you will supervise for my Empathy," Jiang Cheng stated firmly with his hands crossed. All three of them looked at Sect Leader Jiang.

"But....Jiang Cheng-,"

"I want things to clear out as soon possible. Not that I want to help you. Don't waste my time!"

"Jiang Wanyin, please restrict from doing Empathy. It's dangerous!"

Jiang Cheng felt his head ache were welcoming him.

"Why? Don't order me around. You're not my husband or cultivation partner!"

The situation became up-side-down. Now, the real married couple looked at two individual with single status. Both Sect Leader Lan and Jiang argued like a married couple.

On the other side, Lan Xichen felt hurt with the truth statement. It's true they are not married couple or cultivation partner like his brother and his partner. But can't Jiang Cheng see, he worried about him. Or the younger man were a fool man without even care the danger overhead him.

"But still, Wanyin –"

"Just hurry up , I have reports to check on," Jiang Cheng tossed his silver bell.

Lan Wangji playing his qugin while Wei Wuxian beside Jiang Cheng. Lan Xichen can't get near Jiang Cheng as Wei Wuxian become a barrier between them.

Jiang Cheng who doing the Empathy open his eyes.


Jiang Cheng looked at his brother. Lan Wangji stopped play his instrument.

"I...I can't get Empathy with it,"

Jiang Cheng's statement were shocking all three of them.

"It's like, there's no memory in them,"

"That's impossible. How can it is nothing? Do you follow the step for Empathy correctly?"

'Are you insane?' face on Jiang Cheng appeared. Wei Wuxian too thought his brother did it correctly. Never have in his entire life heard the object not have a memory.

"Maybe, that is why the Gusu Sect inquiry fail to get the respond,"

Although Lan Xichen glad Jiang Cheng did not get in the Empathy, still it was a weird case he ever encountered.

Jiang Cheng sighed.

"Well, I will take my leave then. Sect Leader Lan," After giving his respect, he quickly flew with his Sandu. Lan Xichen only watched him flew. Wei Wuxian looked at Lan Xichen.

There was a helpless vibe around Lan Xichen and his face were like abandoned puppy. Wei Wuxian body trembled as he thought of dog. His biggest FEAR.

"Eagh, so much for useless sword and hairpin," Wei Wuxian stated.

Lan Wangji kiss his wife's forehead.

"I will report this to uncle with brother," Wei Wuxian smiled. Just watching at Twin Jade of Gusu went to their uncle.

Somewhere in forest, Gusu Lan;

"Yonggan," A person cover in a robe appeared from one of the trees. The person named as Yonggan gave a small parcel to the person that called him.

"Things are going into plan. Now, we have to wait," Yonggan nodded. Both of them dismiss from that place.

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