Chapter 3 (Edit)

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Gusu forest. A few day later;

"Jin Ling, what's wrong? You've being pout since we started the night hunt?" Lan Sizhui asked as three of them were walked through the forest with Wen Ning behind them.

"I've tried to get my uncle out of the cave. He almost like a living corpse with the reports he's dealing with," Jin Ling pout even visible than before.

"Well, he is a sect leader. No wonder he busy unlike someone who left in the middle their lesson," sarcasm Lan Jingyi.


"Calm down, Jin Ling. Jingyi, do not start it,"

Both of Jin Ling and Lan Jingyi made a furious eye contact. Like trying to make other opponent burn from the stare contact. While both of them continue their contest, some thought appeared on his head.

"Jin Ling. What makes your uncle look like living corpse? What I know he's the only sect leader that have to run Jiang and Jin's sect. But as far I know he never buried in his work this badly,"

Jin Ling blinked.

"That is why I don't get it either. He have his right man, surely will lighten his burden. I don't remember when jiu-jiu being like that for the past few months,"

Four of them continue their night hunt.

"But-" Jin Ling recalling a few hours earlier before night hunt.

A teenager with Jin sect clothes ran through the hallway of Lotus Pier. Straight to his jiu-jiu study room.

"Jiu-jiu!" Jin Ling open the study room.

"Jin Ling! You ungrateful child! Where is your manners?!"

Jiang Cheng scolded him. Jin Ling didn't realized that his uncle have a guest. The disciple of Yunmeng did not inform him when he pass them.

In front of Jiang Cheng were a petite person than Jiang Cheng with low bun hair style. The person attire were men clothes in olive colour. A stranded of cloth covered his mouth and nose, only a pair of hazel eyes visible. Both Jiang Cheng and his guest looked at Jin Ling that froze at the door.

"I will take my leave by now, Sect Leader Jiang," A deep voice said and stood up from his seat. Jin Ling realized that the man were slightly shorter than Jiang Cheng and have a sword with weird shaped on scabbard lied beside him. He gave a bow to Jiang Cheng and frozen Jin Ling before he left the room.

"Jin Ling, what are you doing here? Leaving in the middle of lesson with elders Jin?" Jin Ling sat in front of him.

"Who is he, jiu jiu? Including today is the third time I met him,"

"A rouge cultivator,"


"Now! Answer my question!" Jiang Cheng glared his ungrateful and beloved nephew. Jin Ling thought in his head why he visit his uncle today.

"I will join night hunt with Gusu Sect. I want you to join us," Jin Ling said. It not an invitation, more like force-tation. A pond of nerve appeared on Jiang Cheng head.

"You insolence brat! I'm your uncle and don't order me around!"

Jin Ling pouted. He knew his uncle will refuse. But who knows, his stubborn uncle will change his mind to do the night hunt.

"Uncle, please~~~~ It's been a while for both of us participate night hunt together. You already like a living corpse that live under mountain of documents,"

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