Chapter 5.1 (Edit)

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Lotus Pier;

It's been three months since that day happened. The attacked from living corpse were investigating by Yunmeng Sect with the help by Gusu Sect.

At first, Jiang Cheng declined as it was not Gusu Sect to concern for when he received the letter from the Gusu. But Lan Xichen really determined person. Which it surprised Jiang Cheng as it was the first time seeing a stubborn side of the first Twin Jade of Gusu.

"Sect Leader Gusu," disciple of Yunmeng Jiang bow respect to Sect Leader Gusu that arrived in front of the Lotus Pier entrance.

Lan Xichen smiled.

"Is your sect leader here?"

"Yes, he's at his study room. Would Zewu-Jun wants to meet him?" Lan Xichen nodded and the disciple of Yunmeng sect led him to conference room.

As Lan Xichen drank the tea that served by the disciple, Jiang Cheng arrived at conference room. With his famous annoyed face.

Jiang Cheng who was dealing the reports were annoyed as his disciple announced that Lan Xichen have come to Lotus Pier. If others could read the scene, Jiang Cheng eyes ready to cut Lan Xichen into pieces. Really annoy went he came to Lotus Pier without show a single sign.

"Sect Leader Gusu, mind tell me why you are here?" Struggling himself for not choke that bright man.

"Mind tell me why you decline my help?" Jiang Cheng eyebrows lifted.

"It's not your concern,"

Lan Xichen sighed. He came near to Jiang Cheng. So close that Jiang Cheng can felt his breath.

"Please, Wanyin. Let me help you,"


Like hell he want Lan Xichen help. More like giving him a heart attack. Jiang Cheng left the conference room before he went inside his study room.

'He knows to come here, then he knows the way out,' Jiang Cheng puffed his cheeks.

Another half an hour, a sound of running footsteps were heard through the hallway.

"Sect Leader!" A few of disciples were heard in front of study room. Jiang Cheng blinked.

"What's wrong? The living corpse attack again?" Jiang Cheng faced to his disciples that gasped some air.

"Zewu-Jun.....Zewu-Jun.....He....." One of them stumbled. Jiang Cheng's eyebrows met waited his disciple finding a words to speak.

"He knelt in front of conference room!"

Jiang Cheng blinked. Pretty sure his ears were not deaf. He ran to the conference room where he left Lan Xichen there.

True to what his disciples said. Lan Xichen, the Sect Leader Gusu, the top among cultivators, were kneeling in front of the conference room. Almost disciples of Yunmeng were there watching in awe, curious and confuse.


Jiang Cheng ran to Lan Xichen.

"Sect Leader Gusu! What are you doing? Get up!," as Jiang Cheng tried to get Lan Xichen stand from kneeling.

"No. I will not stand if Sect Leader Jiang didn't accept my offer to help you," The whispered from disciples were heard. Jiang Cheng face became red and dumbstruck. Like Lan Xichen were tried to woo him.

"Alright! I accept your offer!" Lan Xichen smiled brightly which Jiang Cheng swear there's a light surrounding Lan Xichen.

"Since you accepted. Let's discuss the problem," Jiang Cheng even more dumbstruck before he glared at his disciples. The disciples ran from there, didn't want to make Jiang Cheng punish them with multiples time of training session.

Only Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng left there. Jiang Cheng almost pouted.

Who would ever thought that Sect Leader Gusu will come to Lotus Pier after Jiang Cheng replied the letter. And made a commotion at his home.

The Yunmeng City will have a Fall Festival in the evening and Jiang Cheng have to attend the event for the opening ceremony. He sent the invitation letter to all the sects and welcoming the folks from other sects to attend the festival.

For that, his shixiong and nephew came to Lotus Pier a day earlier before the festival day. That's the reason why Wei Wuxian and Jin Ling were eating breakfast with him beside the lake.

The chattering from Jin Ling and Wei Wuxian were load enough to make him having a head acne.

"That's remind me. Lan Zhan, brother-in-law and few of the disciples Gusu Sect will come before the festival start," Wei Wuxian said. Jiang Cheng growled. He really want to avoid Lan Xichen who made his heart beating so fast.

"Speaking of Sect Leader Gusu, uncle. I've heard Zewu-Jun made a commotion in front of conference room. What happen back then?" Jiang Cheng stiffed. Wei Wuxian saw his brother stiffed body.

'That's not a good sign,' Wei Wuxian only stare at Jiang Cheng.

"No need to know, it's about cultivators stuff," Jin Ling pouted.

"Alright then. I will head to the city with Fairy," Jin Ling will ask Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi later.

"Chengcheng," Wei Wuxian stared at Jiang Cheng who drinking his tea after Jin Ling left two of them.

"What!? Stop asking! Remind that day makes me want to kill Lan Xichen!" Jiang Cheng face were read. Wei Wuxian took a deep breath.

"Chengcheng, please don't fall in love with Zewu-Jun," Wei Wuxian statement made Jiang Cheng froze. He looked at his shixiong.

Most people knew that Two Pride of Yunmeng were adoptive brothers. But for Jiang Cheng, Wei Wuxian is his brother. His shixiong. The one that understand him with Jiang Yanli. The only one that still care about him aside Jin Ling.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Jiang Cheng replied. Wei Wuxian take Jiang Cheng cup before kneel in front of his shidi and grab his hands. Hold tightly.

"Whatever it is, please don't let yourself as a replacement. You deserve better than that," Wei Wuxian pleaded.

"I don't know why you become like a sensitive man and I have work to do," Jiang Cheng left Wei Wuxian, letting his disciples clearing their brerakfast. Wei Wuxian felt helpless, knowing his shidi will avoid the subject.

Jiang Cheng stop at the hallway.

"Chengcheng, please don't fall in love with Zewu-Jun," I

'But I already fall in love with him. My first and last love. I'm sorry,'

Yunmeng City;

The Fall Festival had started after Jiang Cheng officially the festival. He have to attend a feast before he have his free time.

As Jiang Cheng walked through the crowd, watched the happy face on folks. He then stopped. A few distance from him, his shixiong and his husband were stand in front of lantern stalk. With a goofy smile on Wei Wuxian face and happy vibe surrounding them, Jiang Cheng relief. A small smile appeared on his face. Watching his shixiong happy made him happy.

"Jiang Wanyin," His heart stop beating. The owner of voice that made him like a virgin maiden. The person that own his heart. Jiang Cheng turn his body to the person behind him. Lan Xichen smile at him.

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