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"Am I losing my mind?"
- Alan Walker


Walking around between strangers is normal for some people. But for Jeon Jeongguk, that is horrifying, cause you never know if there are some crazy fans that are walking around you, and are trying stalking you when you are just as much a human-like them. You never know when you have to run away because of paparazzi's that are coming too close or are taking too many pictures with your knowing. Jeon Jeongguk is just a normal 22 years-old guy who is singing and dancing for living with his members. 

A few years ago their popularity began to rise more and more, and soon they became even more famous outside South Korea. Their name became big, their fanbase became bigger and bigger, the bond between the band and their fans only became stronger. Thanks to their fans ARMY they got awards outside South Korea. They couldn't be more thankful, they are happy.

Or not really. One of the members, Jeongguk, is having a rough time loving himself. He is constantly feeling alone, even tho their fans, the members and his own family are there for him. But he knows something is missing, he doesn't know what it is, not yet. 

He just wants to get away from the spotlight for a moment and find himself and figure out how to love himself and stop feeling so alone inside. He might smile when the camera is on, but that smile is fake and no one sees it. And when the camera goes off, the smile stays on but it is still fake... When he is alone in the fitness, his body lets go of all his emotions, the boxing gloves go onto his hands and all the anger is going onto the punching bag. Sadness is coming trough his eyes and starts to form tears. And he would end up crying, his body bowing onto the ground, and his face into the black boxing gloves, he would stay there until his body is trying to get together again. 

Jeongguk doesn't want his hyungs to know, trust him he wants to tell them everything but he doesn't know how to explain everything to them. If he tried to explain how he is felling, they would only say: "Is he losing his mind?" he didn't want to sound crazy, or sound like someone who has lost his mind. 

He is just a rich idol, that is feeling alone. He is the only one. Right?


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