Chapter 5:

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     "What the hell, Sammy?" Dean asked. "We don't have any time to waste, Dean. Bobby has a lead on the case. We need to go now." Sam says, sounding very excited about the new evidence. Dean follows Sam from the balcony into the hotel room where Bobby was sitting at a table with papers scattered all over the place. 

     "Good. You are up." Bobby greets Dean. "So, What was this amazing new lead that you had on this case?" Dean asks. "I'm glad that you asked. So-" Bobby begins. Dean then starts to hear the ringing noise in his ears again, followed by a voice that is saying, "Lilith. Lilith. Lilith." The voice sounded familiar, like the man's voice from his dream last night. 

     "Are you ready to go interrogate somebody?" Bobby asks Dean. "Huh? Yeah. Yeah. I'm ready." Dean replies, shakily. "Are you okay, boy? You sound a little shaken." Bobby asks Dean. "Yeah. I'm fine." Dean replies. "Alright. Well, go put on a suit then. Sam, you need to stay here and do more research on that thing that I just described to you." Bobby tells Sam, resulting in a deep sigh from Sam. "Okay. Fine. Whatever. It's not like I wanted to go out and find out more information or anything." Sam says, rolling his eyes. "Watch it, boy." Bobby tells Sam. 

     Dean returns dressed in a suit a few minutes later, looking rather pale. "You sure that you are feeling up to it?" Bobby asks Dean. "Yeah. I said that I was fine." Dean says. "If you say so." Bobby says, heading for the door. "the Fall Out Bar is about a good 3 hour drive from here. So, we will try to be back before dinner. Remember Sam, do NOT answer the door for anybody." Bobby tells Sam before walking out the door. 

     The car ride to the Fall Out Bar was long and boring. Bobby had offered to drive, to which Dean had said that it was fine with him. Somewhere along Highway 80, Dean had started to feel very tired.

     "Hello, Dean." The familiar voice said again. "Who the hell are you and why do you keep showing up in my dreams?" Dean asked the man that was standing in front of him. "I told you already. My name is Castiel, I am an angel of the Lord, and I am here to protect you." Said Castiel. "Can you please stop showing up in my dreams and actually talk to me in real life? Because this is kind of creepy." Dean asked Casitel. "I am afraid that I can't do that, Dean. It is too dangerous. Look, we rand out of time the last time that you fell asleep and I need to tell you that everything that you know is wrong." Castiel said. "Everything that I know? I know nothing. Every time somebody tries to tell me something, I hear this ringing noise in my ears." Dean says. "That was me. I don't want you to hear false information, Dean." Castiel says. "Well, can you make the ringing not as loud and high-pitched? At this rate, I am going to be deaf by the time that I am 30." Dean says. "I am sorry that I can't change my voice for you, Dean. Anyways, Mrs. Stump is not the person that you should be interrogating. You should be interrogating- AH! SHIT! NOT NOW!" Suddenly, a bright, white light emerged from Castiel and he was gone in a flash."Wait! What? Who should I be interrogating? Cas? Cas!" Dean shouts for the angel. But it was too late. The angel had already left him and he had just woken up.

Tattoos: A Destiel HS AUWhere stories live. Discover now