Chapter 6:

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     "You need to stay awake, boy." Said Bobby, parking the car. "We are at the Fall Out Bar right now."  "Right. Okay. I'm sorry. I didn't get any sleep last night."  Dean claims, rubbing his face. Dean steps out of the Impala and feels a wave of nausea, followed by a voice in his head saying, 'Lilith....Lilith....Lilith'. "Are you okay? You look a little green." Bobby asked. Looking a little worried. "I'm perfect. Just a little groggy though." Dean says, faking a smile.

     Dean and Bobby head into the bar and walk up to the counter. "Welcome to the Fall Out Bar! Can I help you two gentlemen out with anything today?" Asks a woman in her early 30s. She had blonde hair that was in pigtails that were braided. She was wearing short-shorts, cowboy boots, and a button-up plaid shirt that showed the right amount of cleavage. If Dean wasn't feeling so bad, then he would have definitely hit on her. "Do you have a restroom?" Dean stammered, looking really green. "Yeah, It's down the hall and to the left." The waitress answered. "Is he okay? The waitress asked after Dean had left. "Honestly, I have no idea." Bobby tells the waitress.

     Dean burst open the door to the bathroom, sweat pouring off of him like rain. He flung one of the stall doors open and started to throw up what little he had in his stomach. Dean stepped out of the stall and walked over to one of the sinks and started to splash warm water on his face.  "D-Dean?" A voice said from behind him. "JESUS FUCKIN- CAS?" Dean shouts, looking up in the mirror at the man that was standing behind him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." Castiel says. "Whatever. It's cool." Dean says, running a hand through his hair. "Dean, listen to me, you are in danger. This bar is full of Leviathans." Castiel reported. "Full of what?" Dean asked. "Leviathans. These were the original creatures that God had created but, they had a few bugs." Castiel explained. "A few bugs? Like what?" "Well, you know, your average, shape-shifting, regenerating, immortal creatures that can possess you." Castiel says with a half-smile. "Jesus fucking Christ. So, you're telling me that these things are out there with Bobby!?" Dean demanded. "Yes." Castiel said after a long silence. "For fucks sake!" Dean said, storming out of the bathroom, Castiel following him.

      Dean takes his seat at the table, while Castiel sits a few tables away, keeping his eye on Dean.  "Poughkeepsie." Dean tells Bobby, meaning, drop everything and lets get the hell out of here. "Well, It's been great talking to you, Mrs. Stump but, my partner and I have to go and work on other cases." Bobby says, starting to get up from his chair. "You're leaving so soon? But we haven't even had lunch yet." Mrs. Stump says, pushing Bobby back into his seat and begins to sit on him. "We were going to get something drive-through anyways." Bobby says, awkwardly chuckling. "That's a shame. We have such great pie." Mrs. Stump says, unbuttoning a few of the buttons on her shirt. A bartender comes up and sets two huge pies in front of Bobby and Dean. "It's on the house." Mrs. Stump says, rubbing her ass on Bobby's leg. "NOW, CAS!" Dean shouts. Castiel runs up from behind and stabs Mrs.Stump in the back with a long, sliver blade. Mrs. Stump turned around and revealed her true form. It was basically the same body and limbs but her face was really different. She had no eyes or nose, just a mouth. A really huge mouth, with a forked tongue, and razor sharp teeth. 

     Mrs. Stump started to get off of Bobby's lap and head for Castiel. The other "customers" in the bar were headed for Bobby and Dean. "GO! DEAN! GO!" Castiel yelled. "Are you sure that you can hold all of them off!?" Dean asked. "It's fine! Just go before you get-" "SHIT!" Dean yelled. One of the Leviathans had somehow managed to claw a huge chunk of Dean's arm off. "Are you okay?!" Bobby asked. "Yeah. I'm fine." Dean said, wincing in pain. "Take the trench coat, wrap it around your arm and go!" Castiel yelled, taking off his trench coat and throwing it to Dean. "Thanks, buddy." Dean said, obviously in pain, before running out the bar. 

Tattoos: A Destiel HS AUWhere stories live. Discover now