Chapter 3

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     While driving down I-95, Dean decides that he wants to listen to some music. So, he turns the volume on the radio up, drowning out all of his thoughts. Dean then begins to hear the same ringing in his ears that he heard when he zoned out earlier that day, coming from the car.  "That's...Weird?" Dean says, getting a strange sinking feeling in his stomach. "Come on baby, please work for me." Dean tells the car. The ringing just gets louder and louder, even after Dean turned the radio off. Dean then pulls over to the shoulder, flings the car door open, runs out of the car, covering his ears with his hands and slowly falls to the ground. 

     Dean slowly begins to open his eyes. What the hell just happened? Dean thinks, starting to sit up against the Impala. Why did my car make that weird ringing noise? Dean then gets up from the ground and starts to climb back into the Impala. He shakily puts the key in the ignition and turns the key. "You're listening to 102.9- The Rock. Up next we have Carry on my Wayward son by Kansas." A radio DJ's voice announces. "Ew. I hate this song." Dean says turning the radio off and heading back on the road to McDonald's.

     "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, BOY?!?!?!? SAM AND I WERE WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU!!!" Bobby shouts as Dean walks through the door. "I'm sorry Bobby, I just... I just really needed to clear my head. So, I went on a little drive." Dean says apologetically. "I really should have told you before I went." Dean says. "You sure as hell should have told us." Bobby says, snatching the McDonald's bag out of Dean's hand. "A two-hour-and-a-half long drive my ass." Bobby mumbles. Dean sighs and lays down on the bed. 


Tattoos: A Destiel HS AUWhere stories live. Discover now