Chapter 2

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     "What was that about?" Sam asked Dean when he walked into the room. "Nothing...He just...He told me to help you out on this case." Dean says, smirking. "Ok?" Sam says with a puzzled look.

     "So get this," Sam says, talking about some lore or something. Dean's mind wonders off to other places. Why does this one case feel so much different than all the others that I have worked on before?

     "I think that we should call Bobby." Sam says, pulling Dean back to reality. "What?" Dean says, remembering what John told him. "Well, the case is pretty tough. And you just heard all the lore that I was reading to were paying attention, right?" Sam asks. "Yeah! Of course I was. You were saying something about demons or ghosts or something." Sam shoots Dean a look. "You were talking really fast so, I did not get all of it." Dean says. Sam sighs deeply and says, "The lore that I just read to you says that-" Dammit! Why can't I focus! What is this slight ringing in my ear? Ah. Forget it. 

     "So, were you paying attention this time? Do you think that we should call Bobby now?" Sam asks sharply. "Yeah. I payed attention. I think we should give Bobby a call. Says Dean, totally ignoring what John had just told him 

     A couple of hours later, they hear a knock at their hotel room door. "I'll get it." Dean says, giving Sam a suspicious look and picking up a gun from off the floor. Dean slowly unlocks the door and opens it, keeping the gun aimed at the door, ready to fire at any time. "Well, what were you going to do with that boy, kill me?" A voice stepping out from behind the door says. It was Bobby, he gives Dean a tight hug, something that Dean was not very fond of. "Bobby!" Sam calls out, running to give him a hug. 

     "So, What's up boys?" Bobby asks the brothers. Sam begins to go into full detail about everything that has happened in the past couple of hours.

     After Sam was done speaking, Dean asked to see Bobby alone. "What is it this time? Another girl?" Bobby asked, sounding a little bit annoyed. "What? No." Dean says taking a deep breath. "John wanted me to let Sam work this case alone. As in no help from you or me or anybody for that matter. He said that he wanted to let Sam see 'how much fun hunting was' " Dean says. "Balls. It's because of the lawyer thing, isn't it?" Bobby asks. Dean nods his head and says, "I told him that this case was extremely difficult. He would'nt listen to me though." "Well, I know one thing for sure, Sam is not working that case alone. Speaking of John, Where the hell is he?" Says Bobby. "Honestly, I could not care less about where the hell he is. But, if you really want to know, then he is probably at some random bar trying to fuck random girls." Dean snaps. "Like father, like son." Bobby mumbles, earning him a look from Dean.

     "Anyways, Do you have any idea what this...this...thing is?" Dean asks. "I'll be damned if I know." Says Bobby. "From what your brother was saying, I think it might be a-" Shit! Why do I keep on doing this? Why do my ears ring when I zone out? I really need to stay focused. What if the reason as to why I keep zoning out is because I am given wrong information and whatever  the hell it is that we are fighting, only wants me to hear the right information? Nah. That would be too difficult. How could something control when I pay attention and when I don't? Unless we are fighting God himself. Only one problem to that though, he doesn't exist.

     "And that is why I think that is what it is." Bobby declares. "Yeah. I can see where you are coming from." Dean says. "I'm going to go and tell Sam about this. I want you to go and get us some food." Bobby tells Dean. "Alright. Will do." Dean says, heading towards the Impala. Dean climbs into the beautiful car, turns the key in the ignition and heads for the closest McDonald's.  

Tattoos: A Destiel HS AUWhere stories live. Discover now