Chapter Seven

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The party are in their 11th grade. Junior year. Will and Mike had only been dating for a bit more than a week, but being best friends for years previously, were comfortable with a lot more than most couples would at that stage. Homecoming was coming up soon. Of course, Mike and Will were going to go as a couple during then, but that's not in a few months. Their current worry regarding school is the science fair, due in just a few days. The two had basically finished, though it took them much longer than it should have, since most work sessions turned into much, much more than 'work'.

Eleven and Max had finally settled their bet, and El had won a total of $48. However, Max had actually won something, which was the bet between who would initiate the first make-out session. Strange bet, I know. Eleven was one hundred and one percent sure it was going to be Mike, but, after what they heard from Lucas, it wasn't. And Will has basically confirmed it as well, his hands on his hips, head held high as though it was some great achievement, while Mike had his head in his hands, waving his middle finger in the air at Max, who was clutching her stomach in laughter.

Apparently, Nancy, Steve and Jonathan had a three-way bet going on as well. Nancy had, surprisingly, won. Steve would not speak to her for two days, angry that he had a big enough ego to bet 50 dollars to Nancy over of their first kiss would be before or after they started dating. Steve already knew, since he overheard Will and Robin talking about it, but he hoped Nancy would forget. She didn't. Jonathan, however, is yet to lose or gain any money, as he also has a bet with both Nancy and Steve over who would ask who out for the Homecoming dance. They didn't know that they'd never settle that, because the two boys simply just decided to go together as a mutual agreement.

Dustin has been overly happy these few days, and he even once claimed he was the reason Will and Mike were together, which ended up with a smack over the head with a heavy math textbook. He promised never to scream that he turned his best friends gay at 3 am again, much to Max's dismay, as she was thoroughly amused by this. Lucas was happy with how the situation turned out, as he was sceptical about Mike and Max's relationship and had every reason to be. The two just became close after years of hating each other, which surprised the whole group, and it was a huge relief to know that his best friend wasn't actually trying to steal his girlfriend.

On the subject of Lucas and Max, the two had discussed this a few days ago. Lucas didn't want any secrets in the relationship, and if he was not trusting her then she probably needed to know. The conversation worked out better then he had expected, and he ranted to Mike and Dustin over the radio for a whole hour about how much he loves her. Mike couldn't have been happier, his best friends were in love, so was he, and Dustin was currently happy being single after he broke up with Suzie.

All of this lead to now, 6 pm, Michael Wheeler and William Byers, walking hand in hand down through a path in forest, the cold September wind nipping at their exposed skin. Will was wearing a navy blue vest and black jeans, a green t-shirt underneath, an outfit that Mike constantly called cute. The other was only wearing a black hoodie and jeans, obviously not getting as cold as Will. After spending so much time in the Upside Down, Will was extremely sensitive to the cold. He refused to wear that yellow vest, so he got a blue one instead.

It had been thirty minutes before the two had realized they had been traveling in a circle. They left through Will's backyard and walked through a small path that the four friends used to take before Will went missing. Will stopped walking, noticing the remains of Castle Byers. Mike rubbed circles into the back of his hand, feeling slight guilt, knowing he was the reason Will destroyed it when they had that argument.

"I want to rebuild it." Mike said softly, the wind almost carrying his voice away. "What?" Will asked, looking over at his boyfriend. Mike took a large breath in. "I want to rebuild it with you. I want to make a new memory with that castle." He said, finally looking back at Will, who turned to him and grabbed his waist, pulling Mike in for a soft kiss. He pulled away after only a second, eyes fluttering open. "Yeah. I do too."

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