How You Meet: Donatello

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October is your favorite month on this side of the planet.

With a happy giggle, you tilt your face upward, letting the soft autumn breeze stroke your skin. The leaves in Central Park, New York City have mostly turned orange, which delights you to no end, and, from smack in the middle of the park, you can actually see the stars glittering overhead! You love the stars.

You sit cross-legged on a stone bench in front of the Bethesda Fountain, a beautiful piece of stone artwork crafted in, you believe, 1873? Or was it '72? Either way, it's really old, and it's taken you months to finally make your way to the park to see it! Moving to a city as huge as this one is nothing less than a total pain, but sitting here, with the chilly night air touching your skin, and the fountain gurgling peacefully ahead of you, you decide that it's been worth it. More than worth it!

With another giggle to yourself, you pop a leftover Chick-Fil-A nugget into your mouth, chewing thoughtfully. Most attractions within Central Park close at 1:00AM, giving you a good five hours to check out any other statues or historical sites. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, however, the main reason you decided to show up, closed at 5:30PM, a little over three hours ago. Too bad you were stuck with the 10:00AM to 7:30PM shift today; otherwise, you'd have been the first in line!


Stuffing the chicken nugget carton into a nearby trashcan, you push yourself off of the bench and dust yourself off. You wore black leggings to work today - as the uniform simply calls for black pants, not specifically jeans - meaning that all you needed afterwards was an extra t-shirt, which worked out perfectly! Now you're dressed up casually enough to go anywhere!

But, where to next?

You hadn't thought to pick up a park map when you walked in here, and now, standing in the dark, you're really starting to regret it.

"No big deal," you mumble to yourself, pulling out your phone and opening Google Maps. All you have to do is look for street names or landmarks, and you'll be golden! Okay, so that's the Loeb Boathouse over there at the opposite end of the lake.. the King Jagiello Monument a couple miles north of here, next to the Turtle Pond.. the Belvedere Castle closed at seven, but you can still make the trek over there to see the outside of it. Besides, there's always tomorrow morning! You think you have a day off!

Smiling, you come to the conclusion that seeing the outside of Belvedere Castle is better than nothing at all, and adjust the small backpack on your shoulder, barely big enough to hold your phone and a cheap camera. Your friends back in (hometown) will be so jealous when you send them these photos!

For a second, you wonder if Central Park has a high crime rate, especially this late at night, but then a squirrel leaps from a nearby tree and you forget what you were worrying about. This place is just so beautiful!

It takes you almost an hour to walk the length of East Drive, one of the main hiking paths within the park, but you don't mind. Walking with nature is one of the best things for your mentality! Or, at least, you think that's what the article said? You wonder if carrying almonds with you next time will earn you a little squirrel sidekick; wouldn't that be cool!

The King Jagiello Monument comes into view first, just on the other side of a bus station. The thing's huge, and you think you just read that it was placed here in 1945; it's newer than the fountain you just came from, which strikes you as sort of odd, since the King apparently existed in the 1300s. It looks brass from this distance, with intricate details in the fabric and armor plating of the King and his noble steed. The horse stands tall, with his commander holding two heavy-looking swords in an "X" shape over his head. It really is beautiful! The online photos don't give it justice!

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