Meeting Pt. 2: Michelangelo

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You adjust the collar of the woolen mini dress, beginning to feel a little silly. You made the trek all the way out to Barnes and Nobles, took off of work early to change (they didn't need you today anyway), even did your hair in soft, flowing curls around your shoulders, and what are you doing? Nothing.

No, not nothing. Waiting. Waiting in this massive bookstore with a Starbucks café inside it for a mutant turtle that, apparently, isn't even going to make the effort to show up. You guess he didn't find you all that interesting after all.

Ignoring the deep stab of pure hurt that spears through your chest, you heave a sigh, adjusting your bag over your shoulder. He could've shown up anyway, if only to let you know that he had some sort of prior commitment. Still, you have to laugh at yourself a little; it's not like you aren't used to being stood up. People tend to think of you as naïve because of it (Chloe), but you can't help yourself from seeing the good in others. You know that it's there, it has to be. It just.. isn't directed at you. And Mikey had so much good in him to share. The corner of your mouth twitches into a little half-smile as you recall the buzzing energy that followed that boy everywhere he went. He was so excited to be speaking with other people, so happy to be.. well happy!

Just not with you.

Around the ten-minute mark, you decide that you've waited long enough. Once again more than ready to put an embarrassing episode past you (the tens of people in that Starbucks behind you definitely noticed you standing around like an idiot), you pull your hair over one shoulder and opt to explore the books one more time, hopefully uninterrupted. Maybe that one title from yesterday is still there.


With a startled squeak, you freeze in your tracks, whirling in the direction of the voice.

Standing at the door, with a grin brighter than the sun, and with two Root Beer Floats in his hands, is none other than Mikey. His blue eyes sparkle behind that orange mask, and suddenly you can't even summon the energy to be upset with him. He wears an orange coat (much more appropriate for the late October air) that almost borders on brown in color, a cool grey Tee underneath, and simple jeans. The float in his right hand is much tinier than the other.. did he buy you one??

Seemingly unbothered by your silence, Mikey's wide grin softens into a sweet smile as he approaches you. For the hundredth time, you hope to high heaven that you look okay.

"Sorry I'm late." He smiles, holding the smaller drink out to you a bit sheepishly. "I wanted to get you something, but I don't really know what you like, so I thought I'd.. y'know."

So that's why he was late..?

This sudden bashfulness from the energetic turtle pulls a giggle from your lips, and you realize that you're blushing. "I understand," you reply with a soft smile, taking the glass from his hand. "Thank you; you really didn't have to."

"It was my pleasure!" Mikey answers, that bright grin returning to his features. He takes a long sip of his drink, cueing you to do the same. The ice cream makes you shiver, but in your professional foodie opinion, it seems homemade. The concoction goes down smooth, and reminds you more of a milkshake than of a float. It's delicious!

"Whoa, this is good!" You exclaim, grinning up at your friend.

"Right??" Mikey beams excitedly. You share a laugh; his energy feels contagious, and you find yourself feeling just as hyper as he seems. Or maybe it's the soda, which you don't drink very often. When you look up again, he's staring. Your cheeks heat up, and you think you notice a faintly pink tinge on the turtle's freckled cheeks before you look away.


You glance up again, meeting Mikey's pleasant grin.

"You look fantastic."

Blushing madly, you grin, feeling your shoulders come up bashfully, as they tend to do when you get flustered. As your friend Chloe pointed out, it's the equivalent of retreating into a shell, and you've been trying to stop it from happening ever since. Being confident isn't something that you learn overnight, though, and you still catch yourself doing it when something unexpected happens. Like now.

"Thank you, Mikey." You reply, suddenly feeling a bit awkward. Do you compliment him back? Say something flirtatious? Does he even want you to flirt with him?? Is flirting even within this equation???

With a flourish, Mikey holds his arm out to you, the action pulling you from your thoughts. You meet his eyes quizzically.

"Shall we, m'lady?" He says in that same silly voice he used when you first met, right when he kissed the back of your hand. Blushing at the memory, but smiling to hide it, you lace your arm through his.

"Where are we going?" You inquire, even though you suddenly don't really care; your arm-in-arm with the most interesting guy in New York City. He has the reigns; he could say "we're going to the moon" and you'd say "okay" with a smile, precautions be damned.

"Central Park." he says instead, gently pulling you along. "I saw something there earlier that I had a feeling you'd be into."

"And if you're wrong?" You giggle. "I am a stranger to you, after all."

Smiling down at you (much further down than you care to admit), Mikey lifts his free shoulder in a one-sided shrug. "Then we'll do something else. The day is young! There's all kinds of things we could do today!"

You grin, blissfully aware that you're walking down New York City streets, in forty-two degree weather, with a total stranger on your arm. This is new and exciting - just what you've been craving! Maybe Mikey can help you curl out of your shell, little by little. You decide to look at the day as an adventure, just as he seems to be doing. You're excited to face the world with him.. but, maybe you should get to know him a little first..

"So, Mikey," you meet his curious baby blues with a shy smile, "tell me about yourself."

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