Texting/Talking Until You Fall Asleep: Raphael

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You follow Brooke out of the theater, shivering against a gust of biting cold wind; the sun has long since set, and a sheet of mist touches your face.

"That.. was awesome!" Brooke exclaims, grinning widely. "Right??"

"It was a really good movie," you agree, sharing her smile. "Really creepy, too."

"Like when the whole world seemed to tilt upside down??"

"That was so trippy!"

"I got dizzy!"

You both laugh, huddling together underneath the awning outside; the tarp-like material is laced with lights, making the steady sheen of misting rain shimmer. You take a mental picture; it's a beautiful scene to put into the novel waiting for you at home.

"Listen," Brooke tugs your arm, pulling you out of your thoughts, "Jamie's coming to pick me up. Will you be okay by yourself?"

You're touched by her concern, but you don't need it; you wave her off dismissively, flashing her your best reassuring smile. "Yeah, I'll be fine."

She lingers for a moment, eyeing you doubtfully, and you laugh.

"I promise!" You insist. "And I'll call you if something does come up, okay?"

"Okay.." She glares at you half-heartedly. "You'd better keep your promise, (y/n) (l/n)!"

She points at you accusingly as she walks away and you laugh and wave until you can't see her anymore. You stay put under the awning, much preferring to stay in the well-lit area in front of the glass doors of the theater rather than the dark, creepy-looking bus stop ten feet away. It takes three minutes for the bus to pull into view; by now, it's gotten even darker, with the rain-heavy clouds blocking what little moonlight can be seen in the city, and the rain has begun to pick up. It makes your coat heavy as you jog towards the bus stop, beating the transport by a second. You pay your fare and smile politely at the grouchy lady behind the wheel before sliding into a seat near the door.

The bus driver refuses to turn on the heater, and you don't bother asking; instead, you huddle against the window, relying on the still-dry interior of your sweater to keep you warm, and pull out your phone. The drive should take ten to twelve minutes, so you remind yourself to stay mindful of the stops the bus makes. You open your messages and tap Raphael's contact name.

That movie was so good

You shift in your seat a little as you lock your phone; what if he doesn't want to talk to you, or leaves you on read? That would be beyond embarrassing. Does texting first make you seem needy?

Your questions are answered when your phone buzzes in your hand, not even a minute later, and you smile, relieved that he decided to respond. Your stomach flutters; this still isn't like you, this jittery nervousness, this overthinking, but you can't help it! Raphael just seems to have this effect on you

Tip Guy: Oh yeah?

Tip Guy: Which one was it again?

Doctor Sleep.

Tip Guy: Doctor what?

Tip Guy: Oh, wait, that Stephen King movie?

You giggle quietly at his forgetfulness, wondering if he'd normally remember something that you mentioned once, if even at all. You feel flattered at his show of interest.

Yes! It was so freaky at some points

Tip Guy: I doubt it was that scary

You frown at your screen; sure Raph was a big guy, but surely psychological flicks like Stephen King's "Doctor Sleep" would get to him? At least a little, anyway.

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