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I'm far, far too busy to continue this quickly :( Which I am EXTREMELY sorry about. I give my personal apology to everyone who reads this (And hopefully will continue to in the future! It's on hiatus, not permanently shut down, yes? Remember that!).

I am not quitting, nor for reasons like writer's block or anything. I simply don't have the time in between my many writing contests, novel, other projects...It's sad.

I have even a very, VERY AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME! five book plan for this, which I hope I get the chance to finish some day. I'm serious, it's so great, I almost feel like a genius. The plot is elaborate and you could honestly see it as a Percy Jackson next series.

Ah, shit. Was I being a little too humble?


You know I love y'all.

But yeah. In all seriousness, I'm very sorry. I have considered getting a co-writer to write the bits for me given the plot I have made, and then I can edit over their foundation which would be MUCH easier than starting from scratch, which as stated, I have no time for. If you're interested in that, or know someone who could, inbox me or leave a comment.

But I'm also reluctant because I want this to be my work only. Is that a bit too selfish? :)

Percy Jackson--The Blazing TridentWhere stories live. Discover now