Love Comes Slowly- Chapter 1

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The alarm on my phone went off. But I didn't need it to wake me up. Why you ask? Well ever since I can remember, I have never, and I mean NEVER been able to fall asleep the night before the first day of school. It's literally impossible. I pulled myslef away from my bed, grabbed my towel, and headed off to take a shower. I did all my morning rituals which included peeing, bathing, shaving, brushing my teeth and finally leaving the bathroom to get dressed. I threw on sweats and a tee shirt to read Namaz (Muslim Prayer.) After I was done, I changed into a pair of dark skinny jeans and a hollister shirt. I walked out of my house after grabbing my bookbag and saying by to my parents and made my way to the bus stop.

After getting to school, I looked down on my schedule to see where my homeroom was located. I'm pretty familiarized with the school since it was currently my Junior Year. I was one of the first people in the rooms and sat down near the back. Time went by and some familiar faces showed up,including a really good friend, Ashley.

"Bee," she squealed and hugged me. I hugged back equally as enthusiastic. We chatted up for a little while about our summers. "Hey let me see your schedule." I took it out of my bookbag and handed it to her. She compared it with her own and frowned. "We only have homeroom and 1st period together." Aw I wish we had more classes together. She gave me my schedulee back and I took the time to look at it. I read through all the names in quietly


1st Pd- History-  Ms. Hallowell

2nd Pd- Gym- Mr.  Ragone

3rd Pd- Physics- Mr. Naqvi

4th Pd- Physics- Mr. Naqvi

5th Pd- English- Mrs. Burgos

6th Pd- Marketing- Mr. Lapsley

7th Pd- Math- Mr. Singleton

8th Pd- Lunch

9th Pd- Spanish- Ms. Johnson

I read over the names again and the one that popped out to me was my Physics teacher's name. I'm 99% that Naqvi is a Muslim name. Wow that would be really cool. He had to be new because I've never heard of him before. 1st and 2nd period went by in a flash. My best friend Laura was in most of my classes including gym so we walked together,

"I heard this is going to be his first year teaching" Laura told me as we walked up the stairs to Physics.

"I'm not surprised, I've never heard of his name before." I told her as we finally entered the room. I saw all familiar faces and began greeting a few of my friends. We were all sitting where ever we wanted, all of us picking seats next to our friends and began chatting about how much we missed each other and what we did over the summer. We were completly oblivious to the fact a man walked in. We all heard him when he cleared his throat and we heard him say "Good morning class." Our heads snapped in his direction. No! No way is he a teacher. Teacher's aren't supposed to look like that. Like someone who just walked out of a girl's fantasy. He had black hair slightly spiked up which made it look all natural. He had a perfectly perfect face. Never has someone looked so good before. He had a slight tan that looked all natural. You could tell he was buff from the way his muscles stretch the shirt on his arms out. He was wearing a white button down shirt with a red tie with black slacks. He couldn't be a day over 25! And judging from the looks on everyone's face, they all thought the same. The guys in the class in a less homo-ish way. We eventually dropped our gazes from this beautiful man and looked around at each other. He spoke up once again. "My name is Mr. Naqvi and I'll be your Physics teacher for the year." Boy was this going to be an interesting year!

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