Love Comes Slowly- Chapter 2

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This beautiful peice of ass began calling roll call. He went down the list and he suddenly hesitated on a name. "Aliya Kazmi" he called looking around.

"Here" i said quietly and raised my hand. He flashed me a smile and continued calling roll. I slightly blushed from his smile. EVEN THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL! He had perfect white, straight teeth that just added to his hottness. After he was done, he introduced himself to everyone. After a while, he handed out our curriculum for the year. Eventually, what everyone, especially the girls dreaded, happened. The bell rang signaling the end of the 4th period. We all got up slowly, in no rush to get out. The guys liked him beacause he was young, and the girls, well you can figure out why the girls liked him so much. I realized that my next class was just down the hall, so i didnt need to rush. When I was exiting the room, I heard Mr. Naqvi speak.

"Hey wait up a second." I turned around and looked at him. "You're muslim, aren't you?" He asked. I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah I am, you are too right." I asked smiling. He nodded and smiled in response, too.

"Yeah I am." We were just looking at each other and smiling when a few kids walked in. We both suddenly realized that it was time for the next class so I waved goodbye to him and he nodded his head at me and smiled. I walked out and when I knew I was far enough from his classroom, I quietly squealed in delight.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. When I got home, I realized my dad was home. It was pretty odd since he's usually busy during this time. When they saw me, both of them smiled but my dad looked a bit more sad.

"We have something to tell you!" My mom said happily. "But go change first." I nodded and went upstairs. I changed into typical pakistani clothes- some comfy kameez salwar. I went downstairs and sat down at the table. My mom spoke up first. "You know a lot of marriage offers have come for you, but they have all been from familes in Pakistan and we know you don't want to get married there. And last night after you went to bed, your grandma called from Pakistan. She said that a friend of her said that  her son, his wife, and their son are living in the same state as we are. And the parents are looking for a wife for their son. We heard a lot about their family and they seem great. So that family called today while you were at school and they are coming over this weekend to come see you!" I sat there stunned. All that went through my head was 'Finally some guy who lives here.'

My dad spoke for the first time since I sat down. " I can't belive how fast you're growing up." He was always the more emotional one out of my parents, especially when it came to me. I was, am, and always will be his little girl. I noticed that his eyes were watering and I went over to sit on his lap.

"Dad why do you think I don't want to get married in Pakistan" he shrugged. "Because I don't want to go to far away from you. I will always be with you no matter what, okay? And who knows, maybe I won't even like the guy." I said trying to make him a little happier. Eventually he got happier and we started chatting it up. Soon my brother who is just 2 years younger than me came home. We told him and along with my dad, they both began teasing me. Saying things like how the guy will look and how we'll fall in love. I just blushed and told them to shut up. I went to bed but couldn't fall asleep. All that was in my mind was that guy.

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