Love Comes Slowly- Chapter 3

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Today was the day. Saying I was nervous was an understatement. I was beyond that. I barely knew anything about the guy and I was scared I would do something stupid to embaress mself or my parents. I got ready, wearing a dark blue anrkali and keeping my makeup sweet and simple with some eyeliner, neautral eye shadow and lipgloss. I straighten my hair and added little pearl earrings to finish off my outfit. I heard the doorbell ring several times and I knew that my little cousins were here along with my aunt and uncle. Usually, there are a few familiy members present when a guy comes to see a girl for marriage. I headed downstairs and was attacked my my baby cousin, Noor.

"Aliya!" She squealed.

"Hey sweetie," I said picking her up while hugging my aunt and uncle. We settled into casual conversation while awaiting for the real guests to arrive. As soon as that crossed my mind, the doorbell rang oncce again signaling the arrival of they guy.

"Here goes nothing" I thought to myself. My parents went to the door to open. I was stayed behind everyone else suddenly way to scared to take another step forward. Just when I was about to run upstairs, I heard my familys voice and a couple of unfamiliar voicies greeting each other. Too late to run now. My mom told me to come forward to greet the parents. I did as I was told.

"Asalamalaykum" I said quietly looking at the ground. I took a quick peek up to see them smiling at me. There was also another man there with his arm around a young woman holding a cute little baby boy. I figured that the guy still hadn't come in yet. As we were all turning the door opened. Everyone turned around but me. I was once again frozen to my spot. I took a glance at my parents and aunt and uncle's face to see their reaction towards the guy and they had huge smiles on their faces. I guess he's good looking.

"Asalamalaykum," said a deep voice from behind me. My family greeted him back. I figured I looked like an idiot so I turned around to face the mystery man himself. Holyyyyy Shit! I was beyond shocked and I'm pretty sure my expression mirrored his.

"Aliya," He said.

"Mr. Naqvi" 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2011 ⏰

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