chapter 5

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Eliza's POV
Eliza was looking at the paper in front of her

She had been trying to write a song for hours now but she couldn't think of anything

The only thing she could think of was pain and sadness

She had been in the house for days now and everything seemed so boring, so she started writing a song for her boredom to go away, but that didn't help at all

Alex still wasn't home, but Eliza knew he tried to be there for her

She let out a angry groan, she was so sick of all of this,

She was sick of being alone all the time, she felt abandoned,

Sometimes she felt tired just because of walking around her own house, she would sleep for hours, she knew this was effect of the medicine but it was kinda annoying

She was also always with fever and she was cold all the time and the other day she saw her weight and it was decreasing even though and she ate normally,

And then of course there were the vomits and nauseas

Eliza felt like her life was a completely mess, she cried every day, she just wanted for it to end,

Eliza sighed, this kind of attitude wouldn't take her anywhere, she had to be positive has she always was, see the good side on this things

But in her mind there was no good side in all of this, she knew she would die soon, she knew Alex would be hurt if he heard her saying this but it was the truth even though he refused to believe it, Eliza knew though that deep down his heart he knew it was truth, he knew she was going to be gonne

Eliza cried more at this she didn't want to be gonne, she wanted to stay here and have a life with Alex and all her friends


She didn't see them in a while, everyone was sending her messages asking what had happened to her, if she was fine

She didn't answer any of them, she was too heartbroken, and talking to them would only make her worse,

She missed all of them

Eliza sighed again, she hated everything about this whole situation

That's when someone knocked at the door

Eliza got up to see who it was, she opened the door and saw her sisters standing there with worried looks on their faces

"Eliza" Angelica her older sister said hugging her

She was surprised, she came all the way from south Carolina just to see her?

Angelica had married, almost one year ago and moved in with her husband, of course Eliza was sad but she knew John would take good care of her, and a few months later she moved in with Alex so

Peggy her little sister was next and hugged her as fast as she could

Peggy didn't live in new york either, she had moved in with her long-term boyfriend Stephen to LA a few months after Eliza moved in with Alex

So Eliza didn't see them in a while

"What are you guys doing here?" Eliza said her voice tired and her eyes almost closing

"Alex told us" Angelica said a tear coming out of her eye "when were you going to tell us?" She asked and Eliza looked at the ground

"I thought you wouldn't care" she said still looking at the ground

"Liza, of course we would, are you crazy you have cancer" Peggy said tears spilling out of her eyes non-stop

"I-I'm sorry" Eliza said tears coming out of her own eyes

"Oh sis, don't really you've been passing for a difficult time we understand" Angelica said wiping the tears out of Eliza's face

"Yeah now were here and we're always going to be" Peggy said taking Eliza's hand

"P-Promise?" Eliza asked

"Promise" they said at the same time
Word count- 685 words
Hey guys I'm so sorry I've been so inactive but the last week was the week of tests sooo, I suffered but now I'm here I guess :") -clamijo

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