chapter 7

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Eliza POV
Eliza was happy she finally got a chance to get away from home

Today was thanksgiving day and Eliza was happy she could be with all of her family, they were all aware of her condition and all wanted to see her and see how she was doing

Eliza wanted to be with her all family she loved thanksgiving because of that it was a day where everyone was together

And she wanted to be with people, after she got sick she didn't actually interact with people much

She had been going to the hospital a lot now, she even became friends with her nurse, she called her Adrienne now,

it made her sick she always hated to go to the hospital every since she was little

She remembered how her mom had to drag her to the hospital when she was little


"Eliza I'm not telling you again let's go" her mom said to her as she ran from her arms once again "ELIZA come here right now young lady let's go" her mom said dragging her as she cried

"But I don't wanna go mommy I'm scared" Eliza said crying intensely

"Lizzie nothing will happen I promise" her mom said going to her and reassuring her

"Do you promise?" Eliza asked still not sure

"I promise sweetheart" her mom said smiling at her "now let's go"


Eliza smiled at the memory, this was also why she loved thanksgiving a day she could remember all of the memories with her family

Alex got to her and hugged her from behind, he kissed her on the cheek

Eliza giggled and gave him a kiss

"You ready?" Alex asked as Eliza nodded excitedly

"I'm so excited everyone is going to be there" Eliza said as Alex smiled at her

"Let's go then?" Alex asked and Eliza nodded once again excitedly

They got to the car and Eliza couldn't stop talking the whole way

Alex smiled at her the whole time, he just couldn't help it she was so beautiful

He remembered how he in high school would look at her the whole classes with lovingly eyes


"Alex" John said putting a hand in front of Alex's face making him wake up from his daydream "dude you've been staring at her the whole class" he said laughing

Alex blushed

"You really are in love" Herc said coming to their table

Alex blushed once again

"Would you guys stop with that you're making him embarrassed" Laf said

"Dude but it's the truth" John said laughing

Alex got up from his seat "I honestly can't help it she's so beautiful" he said

"See I told you in lovee" Herc said laughing with John

"That's actually cute" Laf said

"dude we could totally play matchmaker with you guys" John said

"Don't you dare John" Alex said as the other guys laughed


Alex smiled they actually got them together after all

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