chapter 6

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Alex's POV
Alex woke up feeling good today, he didn't have to go work today, he could finaly spend some time with his Eliza

"Liza" Alex said from under the covers trying to wake up his girlfriend,

She opened her eyes, she looked confused

"What are you still doing here, shouldn't you go to work Alex?" Eliza asked

"Nope not today, I decided to take the day just to stay with you, cause you deserve it, you've been alone here all days" Alex said excitedly "and guess what, we're going to see your sisters and go to the park and everything, just like the old times"

Eliza immediately looked excited

"Let's get ready then" she said getting out of the bed


Alex started making breakfast while Eliza got herself ready

But when he saw her running to the bathroom he got worried

"Liza is everything oka-" he was cut off by her vomiting

He held her hair while she vomited and when she finished she turned to him and sighed

"This is normal don't worry" she said

Alex still looked worried but tried not to care much about it as Eliza told him to

"Honey breakfast is ready" Alex yelled from the kitchen

"Coming" she yelled

It was the actual first time in a long time that Alex saw Eliza this happy,

After breakfast they left and got to their car

"Liza I have to go to Laf's house cause I left my pen drive with him and I need it for tomorrow is that fine?" Alex asked

"Yeah sure" Eliza said

He started driving to Laf's house and on the way Eliza and him sang along to some songs until they got there

Alex stopped the car

"You want to come?"

Eliza nodded and they started walking to the entrance of the house together

When they got there Alex rang the doorbell and they heard steps coming closer and closer

That's when someone opened the door

Alex quickly recognized the person, there stood Eliza's nurse on the chemotherapy, her name was Adrienne right?

The nurse looked as shocked as they both looked

"Good morning, what are you guys doing here?" The nurse started

Alex had to check twice to see if this was really Laf's house, but it was

"Huh I think this is my friend's house, his name is Lafayette?" Alex said looking very confused, Eliza didn't say a word

"Yes he's my husband" The nurse answered "wow the world really is small"

"Very" Alex said

"Wait here I'm gonna call him" the nurse said leaving

Eliza quickly turned to Alex

"I can't believe she's actually Laf's wife" she said very shocked

"Yeah it's crazy right?" Alex said

The nurse came back this time with Laf

"Alex, Eliza hey" Laf said he quickly hugged Eliza and then did his handshake with Alex

"Hey Laf I got here to take my pen drive, cause I need it to do the assignment" Alex said

"Oh yeah sure"

Laf got inside the house while they stayed there with Adrienne

"So how have you been feeling?" Adrienne asked Eliza

"I've been really tired all the time and I vomit sometimes" Eliza said frowning

"It's normal, but how do you feel about all of this?" Adrienne asked

"Confused" Eliza said

Adrienne smiled "I'll try my best to take care of you"

"Thank you" Eliza said

"No problem"

Lafayette soon came back and gave the pen to Alex

They said they goodbyes and Alex and Eliza started heading out to Eliza's parents house

When they got there they got inside the house

"Is anyone here?" Eliza asked loud

"Eliza" Stephen, Peggy's boyfriend said

"Steph" Eliza said excitedly going to hug him "oh my god it's been so long"

"I know right, I'm so sorry for what's happening, I wish we would've known sooner, are you okay?" Stephen asked

"Yeah I'm trying even though my life has been crazy lately" Eliza said

"I bet" Stephen said hugging Eliza one more time, they had always had this relationship like they were really brother and sister

"Alex" Stephen said going to Alex to say hi

"Alex" a voice said from behind, a voice that Alex knew too well

Alex turned around and there stood his best friend John

"John" Alex said giving his friend a hug

"Eliza" John said hugging Eliza "how are you?" John asked

"Seems like everyone asks me that today" Eliza said "I'm fine, I mean trying to be"

John looked sad "We'll be always here for you no matter what don't forget that"

"Never" Eliza said hugging John once again

"Eliza" Angelica screamed from the living room, she quickly got to her and hugged her, Peggy came next running down the stairs to hug her sister

They all started talking until Eliza came to Alex and whispered "Alex I'm really tired can we go home?"

"Sure thing" Alex said getting up with Eliza and saying to the others "we should go now, I have to start some work and Eliza needs to rest"

"Sure, bye guys" Stephen said hugging both of them

They hugged everyone and left,

Eliza fell asleep on the way to their house, she was really tired

When they got home Eliza wanted to see a movie

"Pleaseee Alex watch with mee" Eliza begged

"Okay, but I gotta do work after this" Alex said

"Sure" Eliza said happily pushing him to the couch

They decided to watch "home alone" as it gave some Christmas vibes

A few minutes into the movie Eliza was already asleep

Alex looked at her sleeping peacefully, a tear escaped his eye, he didn't want to loose her she was his life

He wiped his tear quickly, he had to stay strong for her,

A few minutes later Alex took Eliza to bed

"Goodnight my love" he said before turning the lights off and sleeping with her on his arms
Word count- 988 words
Hey guys I know it's been a while but I'm back I guess, now I'm going to sleep cuz it's already 10:13 pm here in Portugal and I need my beauty sleep so good night guys :) -clamijo

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