Chap 3, Thought He Was Dead

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Thankfully, they reached the camp in record timing. Their pack leader, Takashi Shirogane, came out the front door at hearing them pull up. Lance jumped out of the car quickly, stunning Shiro.

"What's the hurry?" He asked as Lance pulled open the back door.

"We found an injured omega," Hunk explained as Lance struggled to unbuckle the thin male. "Actually this dog led us to him. We think they've been traveling together."

"Uh, Hunk," Shiro said, his voice sounding odd. "That isn't a dog."

"Huh?" Hunk said as he pulled the supplies out of the trunk.

"That's a coyote," Shiro said, seeming to back away from the animal as it jumped out of the backseat.

"Well, it's really tame," Hunk said with a shrug before pulling the supplies on his back. "He won't hurt you."

Shiro moved forward to get a look at the omega. As he neared, Lance turned, confused by the scent Shiro was emanating. "Shiro?"

"I know that smell," Shiro breathed, pushing Lance aside to get a better look. "Oh my God."

"What?" Lance asked in panic. "What is it?"

"I think that's Keith," Shiro said, reaching forward to brush some of the dirt off the omega's face.

"Are you sure?" Lance said, shock rushing through his limbs. "Keith? As in Keith Kogane?"

"Yeah," Shiro nodded. "Well, I won't know for sure until we clean him up. But I'm pretty sure it's him."

"Who's Keith Kogane?" Hunk grunted as he moved to bring the supplies inside.

"He was my rival at the Garrison," Lance said, moving aside so Shiro could pick him up. "He was always trying to one up me."

"Oh yeah," Hunk chuckled. "I remember you complaining about him on occasion."

"Let's get him inside," Shiro said as he hefted Keith into his arms. "We need Coran to look at him ASAP." He paused, looking down at the omega. "Damn he's light."

"We think he's been on his own for some time," Lance said as he quickly followed Shiro inside.

"Well, I haven't seen him since the outbreak," Shiro said, shrugging open a door and entering. "Coran, this omega is badly injured. We need his wounds cleaned and stitched up pronto."

Lance stood just outside the door, watching as Shiro gently set the omega down on the metal table. Coran, the oldest member of their group and a nurse of sorts, approached the omega, seeming to be wary of the coyote.

"The dog won't hurt you," Lance spoke up as he leaned against the doorframe.

"Good to know," their usually chipper friend said, though he was serious as he moved the soiled hoodie to the side and surveyed the omega's wounds. "He has a few deep lacerations and some burns on his left hand. What exactly happened?"

"We don't know," Lance said. "The dog, or coyote, led us to him. We fond him like that. Though, I do have a theory."

"I'm listening," Coran said as he used some sharp scissors to removed the omega's hoodie and black t-shirt.

"Remember that loud boom we heard yesterday?" Lance said, watching as Coran turned to wash his hands and put gloves on. "Well, I think he was caught in the explosion."

"Ah," Coran nodded. "That is a good assumption. Though, we won't know for sure until he wakes up."

They were silent as Coran got to work. First, he grabbed a clean cloth and wet it with their clean water, slowly going over the omega's body and cleaning the wounds and skin. As he reached the omega's face, Shiro stopped him with his hand, taking over while Coran went to sew up the gashes. Lance watched as Shiro cleaned the omega's face, instinctively leaning forward to get a look.

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