Chapter 111: Dream

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Under the heavy rain, M City's safe zone is surrounded by a layer of mist. A blinding white light flickers, acting as a guide for people travelling through this vision-impairing fog.

Maintaining its high speed, it doesn't take long for the Hummer to arrive outside the safe zone's gates. From its outer appearance, it looks different from the one in X City. A two-meter high perimeter wall has already been built around it, and a few meters away from the walls, a deep trench several meters wide was dug. After an entire day of continuous rain, the trench has already collected quite a bit of water.

As the Hummer approaches, the white spotlight lands on the vehicle, tracking its movement. Very soon, a series of creaks announce the lowering of a steel structure tall enough to cover the trench's width and then some. This safe zone even managed to set up a drawbridge.

On the other side of the trench, an individual wearing a raincoat and waving a fluorescent red lightstick gestures for them to cross.

Following the direction of the lightstick, the Hummer slowly makes its way over the drawbridge, coming to a stop near the man. With another rumble of gears and chains, the bridge is withdrawn.

The man walks forward and taps a knuckle on the window. Long Zhanye unhurriedly winds it down. As soon as the man catches sight of Long Zhanye, his expression stiffens and immediately snaps to attention, saluting.

"Greetings to senior officer Long."

Seizing up the soldier, Long Zhanye leans his arm on the windowsill, the corner of his mouth hooking up as he asks. "How do you know my identity?"

If this was A City, being recognised at a glance wouldn't be unusual, for Long Zhanye's reputation and striking appearance are known to all within the city's military district. However, here in M City, a Private knowing who he is seems rather far-fetched.

"The district leader passed down an order four days ago so everyone will be able to properly receive you when the time comes. Please take a look..." Ending the salute, the soldier shifts his army cap so it sits more comfortably before instructing someone to bring out...a photo depicting Long Zhanye in his casual military attire.

"...I assume not everyone was given one?" Looking at the cheap photographic paper typically used for mass production, Long Zhanye finds himself rendered mildly speechless.

"Reporting to senior officer. District leader said photograph papers are difficult to find, so only the brothers guarding the safe zone's gates were given one each." Clearly, this Private is an honest and sincere person, for he doesn't hesitate to answer Long Zhanye's questions. "Senior officer, although my next course of action can be considered disrespectful, but for the safety of this sanctuary, I will have to ask you and your companions to spend a night in the outer house."

"As it should be. Please lead the way."

Under the soldier's guidance, Long Zhanye parks the Hummer before getting off and stopping at an inspection checkpoint for a quick pat-down. Afterwards, they are directed to a building separated from the rest of the district. It is rather obvious this isolated housing was established not too long ago. Concrete walls with a single window, the supporting pillars and door are made of steel, ensuring it can endure quite a bit of damage. There is a single wooden table and two beds within, with an ordinary pillow and no quilts.

"There aren't any leaks and although it's a simple bed, at least we don't need to curl up and sleep." Li Qing nods his head, satisfied with their lodgings. Evidently, he really cannot stand being confined inside a car for several days on end. Pulling Qin Jun over to the bed on the left, he announces, "Qin Jun and I will take this one. Older brother Long, you and little Yuan can use that one."

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