Chapter 164: The Dragon awakens

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Black robes that are completely opposite from the white clothes of a Taoist priest, it is plain to see that the colour black suits this man very well. However, he still yearns to see dazzling, warm white.

[Master, please reconsider...] A small figure kneels on the ground before him, deep reluctance in their eyes.

[My decision is final. Without him, I am nothing more than a Heretical Dragon exiled by his own Divine race.] A hand extends outwards, silver spiritual energy condensing in his palm. Injecting it into the spring pool's water, the black-haired man chuckles lowly. [I have already placed your spirit within the Dragon pearl. If one day, I fail to find him again, protect him on my behalf.]


A long, scaled body dives into the depths of the water. This pool that once sealed him away, that was once the object of his millennium-long hatred, will now be his eternal resting place.

When he awakens again, he will once more grasp onto that soft, slender hand and never let go.

Never let go...never let go of whom?

White hair, white robes. That, that's right. The image shouldn't be like this.

[I have no family anymore.] A delicate, slim youth says as sorrow and vulnerability surfaces in his dark eyes.

No family...if you don't have a family, then I will give you one.

[Zhanye...] Long hair drifting in an invisible wind, yearning and deep concern is clearly displayed on his face. The voice calling his name is exceedingly soft and gentle.

That's right. This man belongs to him...little Yuan.


The silver light within the spring water gradually bleeds into a strange, purplish-red colour. Slowly, it congeals into a dense sphere and rises out of the pool. The Seven Paths Energy Conjugation Array begins to revolve around the edges of the pool, glowing runes rising up to hang in the air. Absorbing the dormant spiritual energy in the surrounding air and transforming it into pure spiritual power, the runes transmit it into the water. Kneeling a foot away from the edge of the pool, Lian Xiang curls an arm around the shoulders of the unconscious Huo Zaiyuan. The Taoist passed out shortly after completing the array due to spiritual exhaustion. Half his attention is fixed on Long Zhanye, monitoring his condition while the other half doesn't shift away from his unconscious friend.

His brow wrinkles as the sphere of evil energy enters the man's body again. That's not right. That energy has clearly been expelled completely, so why is it being reabsorbed?

Two fingers in front of his lips, Lian Xiang's mouth moves in a silent chant. The array extends outward as golden tendrils of energy seep into it, causing the glowing runes to rotate faster. A Buddhist demon-repelling rune appears, diving into the water.

But as soon as the golden characters approach the pool, an invisible protective barrier shimmers into existence, blocking the runes and dispersing them. Immediately after, Long Zhanye's body rises from the waters. His shadow lengthens, spiralling around the motionless form. Black, smooth scales over a long, serpentine body, razor-sharp claws and a golden mane...

Rarghh – !!

The shadow roars, the loud noise shaking the Heavens and Earth. A burst of fear surfaces in Lian Xiang's heart, and a trickle of blood leaks out a corner of his mouth.

"Heretical Dragon..." Holding the unconscious Huo Zaiyuan to his bosom, Lian Xiang mumbles as he retreats.

Or at least, he tries to. For who knows when, Long Zhanye's hand is intertwined tightly around Huo Zaiyuan's. The man himself is clearly still unconscious, but try as Lian Xiang might, it is impossible to force him to release his grip. Finally, the Buddhist can only lift his head to stare at the back dragon who is currently eyeing him like a tiger does its prey.

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