Chapter 129: Chatting with the Elder Taoist priest

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Divination between Heaven and men. Not even such a capable, experienced Taoist can calculate what is to come...

Seating on the windowsill, his hand stops flipping the pages of the book as Huo Zaiyuan's brow knits lightly, soft sighs escaping every now and then.

This is the scene Long Zhanye sees upon entering the room. Lips curling into a gentle curve, he approaches the window and engulfs Huo Zaiyuan in a warm hug.

"Are you still pondering over the Elder Taoist priest's words?" He asks as he kisses that soft, dark hair.

He was told about the conversation between Tian Jizi, Long Haotian and Huo Zaiyuan as soon as his little Yuan come back home. However, he is not a pessimist and still believes that one should grasp their own destiny in their hands.

"Didn't that Elder say once I find you, the calamity that will befall me in the future will be broken? Now that I've found you, it means we have already overcome that obstacle. As for the future which cannot be calculated, it all depends on the individual and the choices we make, isn't that so?"

Listening to Long Zhanye, Huo Zaiyuan chuckles softly, turning his neck slightly to stare at him. "You may be optimistic, but grandfather is so anxious because of you and your current circumstances." Reaching out to wrap an arm around a broad shoulder, Huo Zaiyuan draws closer and states firmly. "I will not let you die. If you do...I will accompany you."

Long Zhanye's heart all but melts at the child's serious face and honest declaration. Hot and sweet feelings surging forth, he claims Huo Zaiyuan's mouth in a deep, slow kiss. "I will not abandon you. I've said before that I will always protect you...even if I do die, I will crawl up from hell and return to my rightful place by your side."

"Hehe...such a terrifying promise..."


Brush in hand, Huo Zaiyuan sits straight-backed before the table, intensely focused as he draws a line of characters upon a piece of low-quality yellow paper. From the first stroke to the last, there are no pauses or breaks, smooth and unhesitant as though he has written this out a hundred times over.

Seated to one side, the Elder Taoist priest regards the youth's serious concentration with a contented nod. Afterwards, he drags the completed talisman across the table until it lies before him.

"Hmm, this is a fire spell? Unless it is to start a fire in the wilderness, very few would use it." Stroking his long beard, the elderly man nods and looks at Huo Zaiyuan. "Little friend, why did you draw this particular charm?"

Hearing the Elder priest say "starting a fire in the wilderness," Huo Zaiyuan feels sweat breaking out on his brow.

"On the journey from Z City to A City, Zhanye and I, together with another two friends came across a pregnant female zombie which gave birth to a zombie infant, as well as evolved zombies that devours the brains of its kin to grow stronger. Elder Taoist priest, being the Head of the 'School of Taoism', I hope you are able to convey to all the disciples who accompany mercenary squads about the importance of carrying fire talismans. The corpses of all zombies need to be burned to ashes in order to prevent more from evolving."

"Un, we are aware of this matter about evolving zombies long ago. The research institute and the 'School of Taoism' are always working together to find any and all means to either undo or prevent this evolution. To think that this is the reason behind their sudden increase in strength." The Elder Taoist strokes his beard. "Not only do zombies prey on humans and are capable of turning us into one of them, they are also cannibals. Hmm..."

"Did Elder priest grandfather think of something?" Huo Zaiyuan inquires as he notices the elder's pondering expression.

"It's a vague inkling with no way to be confirmed yet. When I went back to the Taoist temple in B City, I studied some of the ancient texts stored away. I shall wait for another two days, when the children send all of them over from B City before I'll consult those scrolls once more." As the Elder says this, he places a piece of white paper in front of him and dips a calligraphy brush in black ink, then draws a circle on the paper with a line through it. "Little friend, take a look. Isn't the current circumstances like this? After the outbreak of zombie virus, humans become infected and transforms. Afterwards, the undead turn on each other, devouring their kin in order to evolve. Isn't this akin to evil sorcery?"

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