Chapter Eleven: Marper,Bellarke

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I am devastated i was not expecting Madi to die especially from her OWN trap i mean thats rough, i also havent even been able to see Clarkes since she got back and we both know we need a day out. I gathered Harper,Monty,Bellamy,Octavia,Murphy, and Emori. And we went into Clarkes home, "Hey guys" Clarke said and we did a group hug "So we were thinking that maybe you could teach us how to swim" i asked/Demanded "Ok when do you want to go" she smiled "Now" we all said. She laughed and we went down to the river. "Ok so when you first walk in you can touch but the farther you go the deeper it gets" She told us. We all started walking in and it was surprisingly warm. Once we got to wear we couldnt touch she explained to us what to do and we all caught on to it really fast.

I love this i mean I already knew how to swim so i helped Murphy out and we played and played. I never really liked Clarke but ever since we got back i have actually grown to like her she is brave and kind.

Everyone was doing there own thing and me and Clarke were playing. "Oh now its on" she said and jumped on top of me to push me under water. But i pushed her off and picked her up "Let me go" she laughed "Whatever you say" i smirked. And i threw her. When she came back up from under water Laughing like crazy. She swam over to me and tried to push my shoulders down but i grabbed her arms and pulled her in closer and kissed her. I let go of her arms still not breaking the kiss. Then she caught me off guard and pushed me under but i took her down with me. "Ok,ok you win" she said laughing " i love you" i said she smiled "I love you more" she smirked "Nope not possible" i said holding back a smile "And why is that Mr.Blake" she said in a high pitched voice and wrapped her arms around my neck "Because last night i counted the stars and each one represented how much i love but guess what" I started "What" she smiled "I ran out of stars" i told her she smiled . God,i loved that smile. She kissed me "well if i had a dime for every time i thought about you i would have one" she started i looked at her confused "Beacuse your never off my mind" she said "oh yeah well i dont want our relationship to have and happy ending beacuse i never want it to end" i said she rolled her eyes playfully in defeat. And we kissed again and we heard people clapping. I turned and saw Abby,Raven,Muphy,Emori,Haper,And Monty clapping "that was the most beautiful thing i have ever heard" Abby said "Yeah when did you to become so cheesy" Murphy said "Softies ALERT" he yelled and we all laughed "Abby when did you get here" i asked " I long time ago" she said still laughing a little.

when we got back i had a really bad stomachache. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Ugh why now why do i have to be sick now. I thought to myself. I went to the medical room. Thankfully no one was in there. I examined myself and i almost fainted. Pregnant!? Again!? No why, its Ahh im not ready to have another baby. I ran outside with tears streaming down my face and the confusing part is that i dont know why, are they tears of sadness Ugh i dont know. I ran home without anyone seeing me. What if Bellamy gets mad or.... I dont know. I need to tell him though. I wiped away my tears away and went to find Bellamy. There was crowd and i made my to the front to see what was wrong. And Bellamy was in the middle. He smiled at me.

I saw Clarke make her way to the front of the Crowd. She walked up to me. "Bell i have something to tell you" she said "I have something to tell you two" i said "Yeah but its not as Important as what im about to tell you" she said "i beg to differ" i said. I got down on one knee "Clarke you have been by my side since the day we landed on Earth. It crushed me when we had to leave. I love you and nothing will ever change that" i pulled out a ring "Clarke will you make me the happiest man on earth and Become my wife, Will you marry me" i asked she had tears rollling down her face and the biggest smile appeared on her lips "yes,YES of corse i will marry you" she yelled . I picked her up and spun her around then kissed her. "I honestly don't know if yours is more important than what im about to tell you" she started. What ok now im hurt what could possibly be more important than this. "Bell, im Pregnant" she said. OMG!!! " omg that's Amazing" i yelled and hugged her then we kissed and everyone clapped. "I love you" "i love you too". We went back to our house. "So do you have any names" i asked she smiled and nodded "if its a girl we could name her Brooklyn Grace Blake and if its a boy Jake Cade Blake" she said "Thats beautiful" i said and we crawled into bed.

This is great. Harper and Clarke are both Pregnant at the same time. I cant wait for Jordan Jasper (i forgot Montys last name) to be born i think its going to be a boy but Harper says its going to be a girl but i have my heart set on a boy.

Soo what did you think. I dont know if i shoudl end this book and wright a second or just make this one book.....
(Feed back plz)

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