Chapter forteen: Happy!?

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——————5 years later———————-

"But mom seriously why cant you just let me drive the stupid rover its not like im reckless like dad" I chuckled when she said 'like dad' "Aurora you are only eleven and this family trip is important so i dont want you messing it up by wrecking the 'Stupid Rover' " i stated. Every year me, Bell, Aurora, and jake go to the place bellamy landed (thats also where we buried Madi) and we spend a night up there once a year on the day me and bell were reunited. "Babe its time to go" Bellamy yelled. "Come on your dad and brother are going to leave us if you dont hurry" i told. She rolled her eyes and dragged along. "Mommy im bringing flowers for Madi" Jake said. Jake is five and i have told him all the stories. Aurora remembers Madi but not completely so she listens and sometimes adds to them.

"Bye Aunt clarke" Jasper smiled hugging me. Jasper and Jake are  best friends. We literally have to pry the two apart.

We arrived and i set up the pick nick. "JAKE,AURORA DON'T GO TO FAR" Bellamy yelled. Aurora protects Jake just like Bellamy did with Octavia she is just like him and Jake is more like me. I stood up and looked down at the village and Bellamy wrapped his arms around me. "What do we do know" i asked "what ever the hell we want"

Soooo.....that was the end and like i said i dont like this book its too sloppy so im writing another please check it out....Bye!

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