3-Love And Hurt-3

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I spent the night alone, wishing the opposite.the sheets were cold, lonely even. Gizmo was spending the night at the vet, and I just didn't want to bother Larry.he had his own problems, I didn't want the weight of my nightmares hanging on his shoulders. He's.. damaged. He doesn't like to say it though; he likes to stay strong so that people around him can be vulnerable. I may only have one eye, but that doesn't mean I'm blind. You can tell when he's focused, sad, happy. You can also tell when he's faking.

I feel like a creep for knowing all these little details, but I'm just really perceptive. I really like him, so I notice the little things. I also notice the little things about Ashley and Todd. When Ashley is truly happy, she touches her face lightly before smiling. When Todd is sad, he picks at his hand, somethings until it bleeds. I try to notice these things about myself and prevent them; if you don't show emotion, people will think you're always ok.

But Larry knows. He always knows. I've always though I was the most perceptive person I know, but then I met Larry. He's an artist, he takes in every single minuet detail. Although, Ashley is an artist but she's kinda oblivious to literally everything. My mind swirled for a moment or two longer, until it finally drew a blank. I was bored. Usually I could entertain myself with my thoughts, but tonight there was nothing. Nothing at all.

All I could stare at was the ebony slate of my eyelids as they drew closed, my mind faltered for a while and eventually just switched off. Shut down.. I was actually tired for once. Maybe some sleep would be good- but it wasn't as easy as that. My whole body ached, and it protested each move I made as I turned over. It happened every time I had a nightmare; I'd wake up in a cold sweat, sit up and look around as if someone was watching me, then my whole body would just start to ache. It happened almost every night- unless I spent the night with Larry.

"Speak of the devil..." I mumbled as static came through my walkie-talkie. It cut off and on, almost as if he was debating in contacting me or not. Then the device sprung to life and his voice came though the other end.

"SallyFace?" He said, his voice groggy as if he just woke up. I reached over and plucked the device from its resting place, then held down the button to speak into it.

"What's up, LarryFace? Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" I asked, cringing slightly as my voice cracked.

"I can't sleep... I'm thinking about my dad and I need a distraction." He stopped for a moment, and I could almost hear his thoughts roll around in his head before he spoke again. "Can you come over?" He asked, his voice full of an emotion I couldn't quit pin down.

"Yeah. I'll be right over, just give me a sec." I sighed, standing up and throwing on a pair of jeans and an old Sanity's Fall shirt that he gave me. I rushed down to his apartment with my prosthetic in hand, throwing my hair up in a messy man bun as I walked to the elevator. For a while we couldn't talk to each other, as we didn't have phones and Todd destroyed the old radios. Then one random night Larry came over without permission, at like twelve in the morning, and gave a new pair to me. These ones are even better than the old ones... it's nice.

I figured his door was unlocked so I walked in without hesitation, making my way over to his room. I thought for a moment, a strange feeling washing over me as I gripped the golden doorknob and prepared to swing it open. It was a fleeting moment, but it left a chill crawling down my spine. Strange... but not the strangest thing that's happened. I opened the door and a mixed smell of paint, weed, and mangos rushed into my face, causing me to backtrack slightly because it was so strong.

"Took you long enough." Larry said, his voice slightly nervous.

"I'm sorry. I want expect a call at two in the morning on a school night." I replied, fidgeting with the elastic band on my wrist.

"Joking.. Ahem, uh.. so.. you're probably confused right now." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He seemed off... no.. distant. It reminded me of my father in that moment. The distance in his eyes, like he wished to be anywhere but where he was. The small ticks and constant weight shifting, messing with the hair. He seemed almost frantic, but in a low key way.

"Are you ok?" I asked, eyebrows knitting together in concern. That seemed to break him, and he hid his face in his hands and let out choked cries.

"N-No.." He said through sobs. It hurt my soul to see him break down.. I rushed over and pulled him into a hug, sitting next to him on the bed.

"What's wrong, Lar? Is it your dad?" I asked sincerely, my voice laced with concern. He leaned into me, so I took the chance to wrap my arms around him again.

"No.. it's not just that, it's so much more. What's going on with the fifth floor, my feelings for this one person, my dad, Lisa, just... everything." He sighed, trying to calm down. "I really like this one person but I know they don't like me and it hurts." I nodded silently, taking in each of his words.

"I understand.. it's happening to me too." I said, letting out a shaky breath. He looked up at me and smiled softly.

"At least I know I'm not alone.. you know?" He said, locking eyes with me.

"We should go to bed." I suddenly mumbled, my voice no more than a soft whisper. He sat up and nodded, stretching. I stood up, starting towards the beanbag to get some shut eye, but suddenly something stopped me. Larry grabbed my hand and let his eyes chin hit his chest as he looked down.

"Stay.." He said, sniffling. "Stay with me, SallyFace. Forget the world for a moment and just.. stay." He sighed.

"I- Ok." I replied, turning back around. He laid under the covers next to the wall, allowing me to clamber into the bed next to him. We slept facing away from each other, and as far apart as possible, but it was nice.

He was right... I did forget the world in that moment.

Sup I know this chapter is absolute shit but I had a headache the entire time and I'm super nervous about tomorrow so yeeyee.

Anyways, no silent readers, give me constructive criticism! I want feedback from my readers, tell me if you legit just fucking hate it or if you really like it. Tell me what I can improve on, what I need to stop doing. Though I will never stop writing filler/ fluffy chapters like this- don't hurt me please-

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and I hope you have the best day of your life today- bai :D


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