23-Leave A Message At The Tone-23

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"Hey! Finally, the one voice I wanted to hear today. How's my little dude?" Larry's voice rang out from the other end.

"That makes me sound like your son, never say little dude." I let out a wry laughed.

"Hey, you sound... off. Are you doing alright? I saw your dad come home without you, I just figured you were at the store but... do I need to come get you?" Larry asked.

"No, no. I'm alright, I'm ok. I guess; anyways, what're you up to?" I asked, trying to change the subject. Larry wasn't having any of it, as there was a long pause before he spoke once more.

"Are you sure? You haven't exactly acted yourself recently. Look, if you need to get away from Henry, you can sneak out and stay here. My bed feels empty, anyways..." his voice wandered off as he talked, then he cleared his voice and focused back into the conversation. "Anyways, my offer will always stand. My home is your home, you even have a key dude. Also, if you ever need a ride then I'm only one call away." I could practically hear his goofy smile through his voice.

I pondered for a moment before replying with, "Thank you, Lar. That means a lot.. could you maybe pick me up in an hour? I'll be at..." I paused for a moment before Travis yelled the address from the other room. Loooooud enough for Larry to hear.

"Was that Travis?" He asked with slight annoyance in his tone. I paused for a minute before deciding to just tell him the truth.

"Yeah, he saw me wandering around after dad kicked me out of the car. He apologized for everything, said he wanted to make amends. I'm ok, Lar. I promise." I said, smiling.

"No. No, no no. Not ok, that fucking lunatic stood by while his friends broke your fucking ribs. He needs to earn back trust, sorry doesn't fix everything he did after I got back." Larry growled out. There was shuffling on the other end of the phone then the sound of metal against metal. "I'm coming to get you."

"No! Larry, calm down. I get it, you think he's not the most likable person, but he was super nice when you went to your grandmas! Why, I'm not sure; but he is a good person at heart. You even admitted that everyone deserves a second chance! Because you wanted one." I replied, scoffing at the situation before me. Then the phone was snatched from my hands as Travis began speaking into it.

"Hey, sweet cheeks. Calm down, I'm sure your little boyfriend could handle himself. Smooches!" Travis rolled his eyes before hanging up.

"The hell?! I had that under control!" I shouted.

"Yeah, sounded like it shortcake." He replied, handing me my phone with a small chuckle. I sighed before shaking my head.

"Look, pulling stuff like that won't help your redemption case. You need to show that you want to be forgiven, you can't just say you want to then act like a jerk. Ever heard the phrase actions speak louder than words?" I stated, crossing my arms over my chest. He sighed before slowly nodding his head.

The moment stopped when there was four extremely loud bangs at the door, followed by some shouting. I jumped slightly before making my way over to the door.

"Oh thank god you're ok!" Larry shouted, grabbing both of my hands gently.

"Well, Yeah... what'd you think was gunna happen?" I smiled, running my thumb over his knuckles in a comforting manner. He shrugged, furrowing his brows.

"I thought he was gunna hurt you, ya know, again." Larry replied. I shook my head before lightly hugging him.

"Here. Come here, shake hands with Travis, both of you can say 'hey, we don't have to like each other but we won't kick each others asses all the time'! For me?" I smiled shyly. Larry thought for a moment before nodding.

"Yeah. I can do that; but only for you." He smiled, kissing my plastic cheek. I lead him inside where Travis stood, leaning against the doorway.

"Before you say anything, I wanna say sorry for everything. You don't have to forgive me, I just wanna say... sorry." Travis sighed, holding out his hand. "Not friends... not enemies... just somewhere in the grey area." Larry shrugged then shook Travis' hand.

"You've got yourself a deal." Larry said, causing a slight smile to creep into his face. It was a shirt but wholesome moment- I wish it would've lasted forever.

Hiiiii. I'm dead inside, what about you? Sorry I didn't upload fast today, kinda got caught up with a shit load of homework. And my came to me and told me some pretty uh... interesting history about our family's mental state so that was fun.

On a positive not, I don't have to be homeschooled next year! If you don't know the story of why I hate it, here's the short version:
Incident happened in January that you can read about in my conversation tab. It led me to be homeschooled and kept under 24/7 watch pretty much. I hadn't been homeschooled until that point, so it was all new to me.

Now, my homeschool is weird. I go to public school two times a weak for less than 5 hours, then the rest of my education is taught at home. Pretty nice I guess. Anyways, I never thought I'd see the light of public school again! But I get to! And I finally get to see my friends again! And the girl I like, so that's a plus.

Enough venting, I just needed to spew that somewhere. I hope you liked the chapter!!

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