plane ride

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Tj and I started putting our luggage into the car, I wanted to drive so I did, about 30 my of being on the road we finally arrived at the airport "finally, my legs were cramping up" Tj said with a smile. "How do you think women feel every every month?"
"Ew" we both laughed and boarded the plane, we had first class seats and the was only us and a few other people. "How much were these seats any ways?" Tj asked while he was putting his hoodie. "Umm... not much..." You said as he put his arm around you. "Come here baby, get in this seat with me and cuddle." He had the window seat so it was good, he reclined the chair and I sat on his lap closest to the window, and we watched the plane take off. "I'm freezing" I said shivering a bit. "Want my hoodie baby?" "No, its fine." "I have a throw blanket in my bag, you can get it and we can cuddle up under it" he said sitting up. "Yeah, that sounds great" i said as you stood up, opened the door to the bags, opened Tj's bag, and grabbed a soft throw blanket. I sat back down on his lap and he wrapped his arms around me tightly. He relclined the chair again and I put the blanket over us. He pulled me closer and kisses my forehead "get some rest beautiful". I nodded and closed my eyes has he and i cuddled. Hours passed and Tj had woke me up. "Hey baby, are you hungry, thirsty?" I nodded "just a salad and pepsi" "you got it babe". Tj has ordered my salad and pepsi, and himself pizza and a water. "Sleep good?" "I slept amazing" you said smiling. "You by my side cuddling with me the whole entire time, how would I not sleep well?" He smiled as I spoke "I know, I'm that good at cuddling with you" he laughed. The food finally arrived "here ya go" he said as he passed me my stuff. We ate and just listened to music the rest of the time until I started getting horny. "Ladies and gentlemen we will be landing in ten minutes" said a air attendant. I put the blanket over us more and puts my hand in Tjs pants, and rubbed his tip. "Wake up 'little Teej'". "Baby no, we only have a few minutes left, we'll have to wait, and if I'm horny and I have to wait I'll get mad" I smirked as I had the idea to tease him when we get to the hotel room... (this probably sucked but oh well, stayed tooned for chapter 2)

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