hotel arrival

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We finally arrived at the hotel, I checked us in and we were in the very top floor. "Were not taking the stairs today" he laughed and leaded me to an elevator. He knew I was a bit scared of them, we walked in and he wrapped his arm around me making me face him so I would get distracted and not be so scared. "Even in just leggings and my hoodie you're still the most boujee chick I know." I laughed as he got closer to me. "How about this, when we get up there hop in the shower, and I'll pick out a movie." I nodded with a smile and the elevator stopped at our floor. We got out and walked to our room. "Baby, you outdone yourself" he said looking around. "I wanted it to be as good as possible" I said as I smiled and walked in the bathroom. I was taking a shower and Tj was picking a movie. "She's gonna hate me for this, but at least I'll get cuddles during it" he picked out the movie 'Halloween' knowing I was scared of it. He opened the bathroom door. "Hey baby want me to get some food somewhere real quick?" "Yeah, come here first". Tj walked in, and poked his head through the shower curtain. "Damn you're so beautiful." I smiled and kissed him. "I want pizza." "I'll get you pizza." We bother laughed and he looked a my body. "Ok well I'll be back, I love you" "I love you too." He kisses my forehead and leaves to get pizza. Tj never showed signs that he was horny, I had to start them. I finished my shower, dried off, and put on a royal blue push up bra with matching panties. "Hes going to take a while so I'm going to blow dry." I blow dried my hair, after 10 minuets it was dried, I sat on the bed and waited for tj. He walks in "I'm bac- holy shit that bra." He put the pizza on the bed and I laughed. "I know you hate the movie but, I love when you get scared and cuddle close to me." He turns on 'Halloween' and turns off the lights. He sits down and sits me on his lap with his arms wrapped around the front of me. I open the pizza box and starts eating. "Gimme a bite." He said with his mouth open. I gave him a bite. "Did you get breadsticks?" "Yeah, they're in the bag." I leaned forward, and grabbed the breadsticks, but once I tried sitting back down on Tjs lap he was hard. "Its ok, just sit on it." I sat back down and I was instantly horny. He spread my legs a bit and started to rub my clit through my panties. "I can't wait any longer." He takes off his shirt off, and lays me on the bed. "As much as I love these panties and bra on you, I love to see them off even more" he smirked and unhooks my bra. "Damn baby, I love this side of you." I said as I watched Tj slide my panties off. He spread my legs and burries his face in my pussy and licks up and down. "Damn baby, don't stop, faster." He went faster and I moan and grip his hair. "You like that huh?" I nod and feels two of his fingers enter me. "Lets loosen you up" he smirks and fingers me fast. "Ahhhh baby." He kept licking and fingering, I lost it, I squirted all over his face and hand. "Fuck my dick can't take this." He look his sweatpants and boxers off, and puts a condom on. "No limits?" "No limits" I answered as he shoved his full package in me. "Holy shit baby!" I moaned as he thrust in me fast and hard making our bodies clap. While he was fucking me he began to rub my clit. "Faster, faster!" He gritted his teeth and went as fast as he could. "I'm cumming." I came hard and so didn't he. He collapsed on me with his dick still halfway inside me with his head on my chest. "Gimme a kiss beautiful." I smile and kiss him. "Lets get some sleep, after that I'm exhausted." He said pulling out. I smiled and wrapped the blanket around us, after a few minutes of us playing with each other's hair we fell asleep.

 I smiled and wrapped the blanket around us, after a few minutes of us playing with each other's hair we fell asleep

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